aka Dune – Desert Planet[23]
Home of the Fremen and the only known source of the Spice Melange, highly valued.
"The planet seems to have opened its arms to certain terranic life forms. It's not clear how."[23]p.53
"There are two general separations of the people, Fremen, they are one group, and the others are the people of the graben, the sink, and the pan. There's some intermarriage, I'm told. The women of pan and sink villages prefer Fremen husbands; their men prefer Fremen wives. They have a saying: 'Polish comes from the cities; wisdom from the desert.' "[23]p.53
"The Fremen must be brave to live at the edge of that desert." [23]p.53
"No planet of this system grew trees to make such beams, unless the beams were imitation wood. "[23]p.63
"How many G's does this place pull? Feels heavy." "Nine-tenths of a G by the book." [23]p.98 Earth is 1G = acceleration of 9.806m per second squared ,.9G = 8.825985 meters per second squared.
"every three hundred and thirty Standard days."[23]p.105
"are at least five million persons on this planet?"[23]p.276
"her stretched desert growth, bushes, cacti, tiny clumps of leaves (...) There would have to be people for this many plants to survive,"[23]p.311 Paul and Jessica discover plants in their escape into the desert.
"So our Missionaria Protectiva even planted religious safety valves all through this hell hole. Ah, well . . . it'll help, and that's what it was meant to do."[23]p.328
"Pets were almost unknown, stock animals rare. Some smugglers employed the domesticated desert ass, the kulon, but the water price was high even when the beasts were fitted with modified still-suits."[23]p.568
"the air balance, 23 per cent oxygen, 75.4 per cent nitrogen and. 023 per cent carbon dioxide, with the trace gases taking up the rest"[23]p.568
"Arrakis with its totality of desert landscape, its absolute lack of open water, its emphasis on the most primitive necessities for survival, inevitably produces a high proportion of sensitives."[23]p.582
"they didn't speak Galach on Arrakis"[23]p.45
Birth place of Alia Atreides , 10,191 A.G
Settlements and Structures.
Arrakeen smaller city than Carthag.
"It's a dirty, dusty little garrison town,"[23]p.64
"Beyond the ducal grounds stretched a high-fenced storage yard , lines of spice silos in it with stilt-legged watchtowers standing around it like so many startled spiders. She could see at least twenty storage yards of silos reaching out to the cliffs of the Shield Wall,"[23]p.95
"landing control tower outside Arrakeen."[23]p.96
"bed the men down for the night in the barracks adjoining the field."[23]p.100
"building's entrance, the dark hole in plastic-coated rock"[23]p.128 referance to landing field building.
"beggars gathered outside to get the water squeezings"[23]p.152
"The houses all around had been built for veterans of the Jihad. They formed a suburb of Arrakeen which stretched into the Imperial Basin past Tiemag."[28]p.37
Home of the Atreide's
"It was to the Arrakeen governor's mansion, the old Residency the Atreides had first occupied on Dune"[23]p.536
"buttressed walls and dark hangings, she thought. The arched ceiling stood two stories above her with great cross beams"[23]p.63
"This had been the government mansion in the days of the Old Empire"[23]p.63
"The cistern here holds fifty thousand litres"[23]p.69 a tank this size would be around 4.5 meters diameter, 3.5 meters tall. 50K litres would keep an average UK household uses 345lt per day, so a cistern this size would last 145 days. How long it would last the Atreides household is another mater its a much larger "home" but at the same time water management would be vastly superior. Also it is said it is constantly kept full, so what kind of water infrastructure is their in Arrakeen?
"But bringing order of the confusion in the castle"[23]p.69, Jessica in reference to their home in Arrakeen, the use of the word Castle, to me implies that the building is designed with defence in mind, a military focused building even if used as a home.
"this castellated pile of rocks "[23]p.73
"A line of twenty palm trees grew there, the ground beneath them swept clean, barren. A screen fence separated them from the road upon which robed people were passing."[23]p.75
"a faint shimmering in the air between her and the people, a house shield"[23]p.75
"the report that many Arrakeen houses were sealed by airlock doors and windows to conserve and reclaim interior moisture. Leto had said it was a deliberate statement of power and wealth for this house to ignore such precautions, its doors and windows being sealed only against the omnipresent dust."[23]p.90
Carthag Harkonnen City [23]p.63
"their new megalopolis of Carthag, a cheap and brassy place some two hundred kilometres north-east across the Broken Land[23]p.63
" some ten thousand people, all told. Their leader said he ruled a sietch of two thousand hearths. We've reason to believe there are a great many such sietch communities."[23]p.104 ,from what we know about Fremen society, were a family unit can consist of multiple adults and children, if we assume that by " a hearth" he's referring to one family home / Dwelling 2,000 hearths could easily be 10,000 People.
"a place called "Sietch Tabr" on the chart and beside it the notation: "Stilgar.""[23]p.329
"looking out across another basin about ten or twelve kilometres wide. The basin was shielded by high rock walls. Sparse clumps of plant growth were scattered around it."[23]p.332 this enclosed area is in front of sietch Tabr
Imperial Botanical Testing Station's
"more than two hundred of these advance bases built here on Arrakis during the Desert Botanical Testing Station period. All supposedly have been abandoned, but there are reports they were sealed off before being abandoned.""[23]P.116
"those bases or the idea of them hold some deep significance for the Fremen."[23]P.117
Spice Harvesting
Planetary compliment of equipemt.
~ 930 Harvester Factories Harvest Spice (personnel = 24,180)
~ 6250 Ornithopters Surveying, Scouting and Weather Observation , (~ 208 shielded)
"Only about one in thirty is shielded " [23]P.109
(personnel unknown as these craft can be of various sizes and configurations est around 19K)
~ 1000 Carry-alls Lifting Harvesters off the surface. (personnel = 4,000)
Important to note that these personnel numbers is for all machinery to be used at once, unlikely due to maintenance etc., also they do not include maintenance personnel or any other secondary functions attached to running such an industry.
"should be twenty-six men on that" [23]p.144, in reference to a harvester.
"A carry-all's complement usually is four men, two pilots and two journeymen attachers." [23]p.161
Bela Tegeuse
"Imperial raiders to harvest and plant human colonies on Bela Tegeuse"[23]p.413 Fremen moved here from Poritrin.
"How could she know what a child looked like on Bela Tegeuse? (...) But he does!" Alia said, "Subiay's boy looks just like the son of Mitha born before the parting." [23]p.455
Caladan. System – Delta Pavonis Planet – 3rd,
Home-world and Fief of the House Atreides , lush word full of life and water.
Castle Caladan, served as home to the Atreides for 26 generations.[23]p.13
Mount Syubi – Visible over the river orchards from Paul's Bedroom.[23]p.15
"They'd flown over the southern jungles, above the weed-wild shouting leaves and rice paddies of the deltas.(...) in the sea reaches there'd been the white petals of trimaran dhows."[23]p.294
"Caladan, a paradise world for our form of life. There existed no need on Caladan to build a physical paradise or a paradise of the mind, we could see the actuality all around us"[23]p.296
"vine eucalyptus (the type adapted for Caladan's northern reaches)"[23]p.570
"He recalled his childhood room on Caladan then . . . dark night in the stone chamber . . . a vision!"[28]p.33
"Zen Hekiganshu(...) Muadh Quran with its pure Ilm and Fiqh preserved among the pundi rice farmers of Caladan"[23]p.573
Wine - "with sparkling Caladan wine."[23]p.58
Pundi rice, "our poor pundi rice from Caladan"[23]p.58
Dune , Dune Messiah
"I've a new one," (...)"Brought from Chusuk, a sweet instrument. Plays like a genuine Varota,[23]p.499 ref a baliset
"the Navachristianity of Chusuk"[23]p.573 ref religon.
"C.E.T. convened on a neutral island of Old Earth"[23]p.575
"of the Golden Age of Earth."[28]p.42
Dune , Dune Messiah
"Fourth planet of Alpha Centauri B; the sculptors' paradise, so called because it is the home of fogwood, the plant growth capable of being shaped in situ solely by the power of human thought."[23]p.58
"It had red in it the color (...)There was gold . . . blue. (...) on the world they call Enfeil, the one where I led my legion to victory. We came out of a mountain pass where the air was sick with water. I could scarcely breathe it. And there below me (...) water as far as I could see and farther(...) I waded out into it and drank. It was bitter and made me ill. [28]p.43
Dune Messiah
"Bring me that young fellow we bought on Gamont, "[23]p.219
Giedi Prime.
Home-world and Fief of the Harkonnen's.
"the family city of Harko"[23]p.371
"the Harkonnen home-world of Giedi Prime"[23]p.371
"Sardaukar pillage through my cities and sack this castle."[23]p.28
"A raid on Giedi Prime"[23]p.119
"that afternoon with the immediate family in the golden box above the triangular arena."[23]p.371 question are all harkonnen arenas triangular or just afew or this one and if so what is the reasoning behind this design?
"noted the rubbish heaps, the scabrous brown walls reflected in the dark puddles of the streets, and the furtive scurrying of the people."[23]p.371
"In the Baron's blue-walled keep, there was fearful perfection (...) the price being paid, guards everywhere and weapons with that special sheen that told a trained eye they were in regular use. There were checkpoints for routine passage from area to area even within the keep. The servants revealed their military training in the way they walked, in the set of their shoulders. . . in the way their eyes watched and watched and watched."[23]p.371
Second planet of the Niushe System, Was home to House Moritani (who defeated House Ginaz) and were Duncan Idaho first saw real combat. "My sword was firs' blooded on Grumman!"[23]p.174
"the selecting that spread men to Rossak and Harmonthep."[23]p.413 fremen movement from Bela Tegeuse
"the machines of Richesse and Ix"[23]p.58
"in Sector Ixian speaks of agitation"[28]p.52
"The Ixian Confederacy offers submission,"[28]p.52
Dune , Dune Messiah
home of the imperial Court.[23]p.599
"youngest demibrother, Abulurd. Abulurd renounced the Harkonnen name and all rights to the title when given the subdistrict governorship of Rabban-Lankiveil. Rabban was a distaff name"[23]p.585
"Glossu Rabban, Count of Lankiveil, was the eldest nephew of Vladimir Harkonnen"[23]p.585
"the Buddislamic Variants of the types dominant at Lankiveil "[23]p.573 ref religion
"My son lost his eyes in the conquest of Naraj,"[28]p.39
"I have grandchildren on Naraj that I may never see. Do you know the Naraj worlds, "[28]p.39 ref Farok. there is aplanet called Naraj , but also the Naraj worlds ? , is there a system called Naraj ? or is there another meaning?
""In my youth, I toured there with a troupe of my fellow Face Dancers,"[28]p.39 ref Scytale.
"The Naraj defenders used a stone burner,"[28]p.40
"There had been Fremen on Poritrin (...) an easy planet,"[23]p.413
"the machines of Richesse"[23]p.58
"the selecting that spread men to Rossak and Harmonthep."[23]p.413 Fremen movement from Bela Tegeuse
"the discovery of the poison drug on Rossak"[23]p.413 the poison that allowed for the creation of reverend mothers.
Salusa Secundus -
"third planet of Gamma Waiping; designated Imperial Prison Planet after removal of the Royal Court to Kaitain. Salusa Secundus is home-world of House Corrino, and the second stopping point in migrations of the Wandering Zensunni. Fremen tradition says they were slaves on S.S. for nine generations."[23]p.599
"every report on Salusa Secundus says S.S. is a hell world!"[23]p.60
" it sounds much like Arrakis . . . perhaps not quite as bad, but much like it." "We do not really know of Salusa Secundus to day," Hawat said. "Only what it was like long ago . . . mostly. But what is known, you're right on that score."[23]P.45 This shows that even the great houses have at best sketchy information on this planet , is this just an inability to get information or a sighn of the amount of security / secrecy placed on this planet?
"I have the Emperor's prison planet, Salusa Secundus, to inspire me"[23]p.377
"and plant human colonies on Bela Tegeuse and Salusa Secundus."[23]p.413 Fremen from Poritrin.
"It's a penal colony (...) The worst riff-raff in the galaxy are sent to Salusa Secundus. What else do we need to know?" "That conditions on the prison planet are more oppressive than anywhere else,(...) You hear that the mortality rate among new prisoners is higher than sixty per cent. You hear that the Emperor practices every form of oppression there (...) The Emperor doesn't permit the Great Houses to inspect his prison, (...) And curiosity about Salusa Secundus is . . . ah . . .(...). . . discouraged. (...) And you've never wondered where the Emperor gets his Sardaukar? (...) Why . . . he recruits . . . that is to say, there are the levies and he enlists from --"[23]p.431
"Tawrah and Talmudic Zabur surviving on Salusa Secundus"[23]p.574
"the Buddislamic Variants of the types dominant at Lankiveil and Sikun,"[23]p.573 ref religion
"I must send at once to Tleielax for a new Mentat."[23]p.218
Tleilax - "lone planet of Thalim, noted as renegade training center for Mentat's; source of "twisted" Mentat's."[23]P.602 ( alt spelling?
"so-called "sanctuary planet" (probably several planets) for defeated Houses of the Imperium. Location(s) known only to the Guild and maintained inviolate under the Guild Peace."[23]p.603
"A handful of spice will buy a home on Tupile"[23]p.58
""The Tupile Treaty?(...)The Guild maintains that we must sign this treaty without knowing the precise location of the Tupile Entente," "[28]p.49
""So we've spent ten years of negotiation for nothing,"[28]p.50
""We'll sign the treaty as it stands," Paul said."[28]p.51
"Tupile remains the place of sanctuary for defeated Great Houses. It symbolizes a last resort, a final place of safety for all our subjects. Exposing the sanctuary makes it vulnerable."[28]p.50
Dune , Dune Messiah
Wallach IX.
Home of a Bene Gesserit School, the one Lady Jessica Graduated from.[23]p.584
"heir hostess here on Wallach IX."[28]p.10
World were Valya Harkonnen Makes her promise to the Sisterhood.(DUPR)
"All around the dome lay hills mangy with melting snow which reflected mottled wet blueness from the small blue-white sun hanging at the meridian."[28]p.11
Dune , Dune Messiah.
Galactic situation..
"Historians estimate the riots took eighty million lives. That works out to about six thousand for each world then in the Landsraad League."[23]p.576 that works out to 13,333 planets... at the time c.
Alpha Centauri B Planets – 4th, Ecaz - "the sculptors' paradise"[23]p.58
Delta Pavonis Planets – 3rd, Caladan [23]p.574
Gamma Waiping Planets – 3rd, Salusa Secundus – Imperial Prison Planet.[23]p.59
Niushe Planets – 2nd, Grumman – Was House Moritani's home.
3rd, Gamont – A planet noted for its hedonistic culture and exotic sexual practices.
Thalim Planet – Tleilax,
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