
The Encyclopedia will contain entries from all sources from the core books , the expanaded universe books and other sorces. 

- A -

  • Aba - "Loose robe worn by Fremen women; usually Black"[23]p.586
  • Ach - "Left turn; a worm steersman's call"[23]p.586
  • Adab - "The demanding memory that comes upon you itself."[23]p.586 "only the adab, the demanding memory that comes upon you of itself"[23]p.339
  • Akarso - "A plant native to Sikun (of 70 Ophiuchi A) characterized by almost oblong leaves. Its green and white stripes indicate the constant multiple condition of parallel active and dormant chlorophyll regions."[23]p.586
  • Alam al-Mithal - "The mystical world of similitude's where all physical limitations are removed."[23]p.586
  • Alia - Alia Atreides , Sister to Paul Atreides . See Also Ateides -Characters
  • Al-Lat - "Mankind's original sun; by usage: any planet's primary."[23]p.586
  • Ampoliros - "The legendary "Flying Dutchman" of space."[23]p.586 "lost star-searcher, Ampoliros"[23]p.182
  • Amtal or Amtal Rule - "A common rule on primitive worlds under which something is tested to determine its limits or defects. Commonly: testing to destruction."[23]p.586 "It is the amtal rule,(...) Jamis is demanding the right to test your part in the legend."[23]p.344
  • Anti-Fatigue tablet -"anti-fatigue tablet from a pocket"[23]p.127
  • Aql - "The test of reason. Originally, the "Seven Mystic Questions" beginning: "Who is it that thinks?""[23]p.586
  • Atomics - "Radiation lingers. The evidence is hard to erase"[23]p.181 "concern is our family atomics".[23]p.222 My understanding is that the major houses have atomics , due to the great convention they can not be used against people however as planets can be easily attacked houses generally have reprisal / revenge protocols in place , these could include atomics , thus the delicate balance of power is maintained. 
  • Arrakeen - "First settlement on Arrakis; long-time seat of planetary government."[23]p.586"concluded rightly that Arrakeen is easier to defend."[23]p.29
  • Arrakeen mystical fusion - "who's profound beauty is typified by the stirring music built on the old forms, but stamped with the new awakening."[23]p.313
  • Arrakis - "The planet known as Dune; the third planet of Canopus.","Arrakis - Dune - Desert Planet"[23]p.586 , Only known source of the Spice Melange needed for space travel . Home of the Fremen.
  • Arsunt - "A legion at Arsunt." [23]p.243 location on Arrakis worthy of a legion of troops to attack.
  • Assassin's Handbook - "Third-century compilation of poisons commonly used in a War of Assassins. Later expanded to include those deadly devices permitted under the Guild Peace and the Great Convention."[23]p.586
  • Atreides  - "Great House of the Landsraad , Known for being honourable. Enemies of House Harkonnen. See Also Ateides -Characters
  • Auliya  - "In the Zensunni Wanderers' religion, the female at the left hand of God; God's handmaiden."[23]p.586
  • Aumas  - "Poison administered in food. (Specifically: poison in solid food.) In some dialects: Chaumas."[23]p.587
  • Axolotl tanks - "corpse preserved for the axolotl tanks." [28]p.18 tanks were golas are made.
  • Ayat  - "The signs of life."[23]p.587 See Burhan.

- B-

  • Bakka - "In Fremen legend, the weeper who mourns for all mankind."[23]p.587 "the religious term: bakka, the weeper."[23]p.331
  • Baklawa - "A heavy pastry made with date syrup."[23]p.587
  • Baliset - "A nine-stringed musical instrument, lineal descendant of the zithra, tuned to the Chusuk scale and played by strumming. A favourite instrument of Imperial troubadours."[23]p.13 , [23]p.587
  • Baradye Pistol - "A static-charge dust gun developed on Arrakis for laying down a large dye marker area on sand."[23]p.587
  • Baraka - "A living holy man of magical powers"[23]p.587
  • Bashar - "(often Colonel Bashar): an officer of the Sardaukar a fractional point above Colonel in the standard military classification. Rank created for military ruler of a planetary subdistrict. (Bashar of the Corps is a title reserved strictly for military use.)"[23]p.587 "We Bashars were dressed in our finest green robes"[28]p.40 this is a Fremen talking , Bashar is not just a Sarduakar Designation , though this is after Pauls assention to the throne so could be that military designations were unified at this point.
  • Bat – see Chiroptera
  • Battalion – Military unit size"Four or five battalions all told"[23]p.110
  • Battle Group -, military unit, composition unknown."Two battle groups at Splintered Rock."[23]p.243
  • Battle Language - "Any special language if restricted etymology developed for clear-speech communication in warfare."[23]p.587
  • Bedwine, see Ichwan Bedwine.
  • Bela Tegeuse - "Fifth planet of Kuentsing: third stopping place of the Zensunni(Fremen) forced migration."[23]p.587
  • Bene Gesserit - "The ancient school of mental and physical training established primarily for female students, after the Butlerian Jihad destroyed the so called "thinking machines" and robots"[23]p.587, All female order created to protect Humanity and manipulators of the bloodlines.
  • Bene Tleilex - "Bene Tleilex with their Face-Dancer disguises"[28]p.8
  • B.G. - "Idiomatic for Bene Gesserit except when used with a date. With a date it signifies Before Guild and identifies the Imperial Dating system based on the genesis of the Spacing Guild's monopoly."[23]p.587
  • Bhotani Jib, see Chakobsa.
  • Bi-La Kaifa - "Amen. (Literally: "Nothing further need be explained.")"[23]p.587
  • Bight of the cliff - "When the patrol caught us at Bight-of-the-Cliff"[23]p.361 refering to Jamis
  • Bill of Particulars - "a Bill of Particulars laid before the Landsraad. "[23]p.260 a formal written statement that details the claims or charges in a legal action. It can be used in both civil and criminal courts.
  • Bindu - "Relating to the human nervous system, especially to nerve training. Often expressed as Bindu-nervature.(See Prana.)"[23]p.587 "and bindu-nervature" [23]p.295
  • Bindu Suspension - "A special form of catalepsies, self-induced."[23]p.587 "compose herself in bindu suspension to reduce her oxygen needs."[23]p.289
  • Bled - "flat, open desert"[23]p.587
  • Bodkin - "the rapiers, the bodkins,"[23]p.45, Bodkins ( weapons) , are short knives with thin blades, a stiletto dagger, easy to conceal. Bodkin has also been used to refer to types of arrow heads , needles and hairpins.
  • Book – Filament paper - "printed on filament paper. It has its own magnifier and electrostatic charge system." "The book is held closed by the charge, which forces against spring-locked covers. You press the edge, thus, and the pages you've selected repel each other and the book opens." "It's so small."("black, oblong, no larger than the end of Paul's thumb.")"But it has eighteen hundred pages. You press the edge . . . and the charge moves ahead one page at a time as you read. Never touch the actual pages with your fingers. The filament tissue is too delicate.""might think it too valuable for one so young." "This must've been made before film-books,"[23]P.54
  • Bourka - "Insulated mantle worn by Fremen in the open desert."[23]p.587
  • Brigade - "Five legions, fifty brigades!, attacking" [23]p.243 10 brigades to a legion. 3,000 men.
  • Burda - "try for my burda"[23]p.353 phrased used when Stilgar is advising Paul in reference to calling him out.
  • Burhan - "The proofs of life. (Commonly: the ayat and burhan of life. see Ayat)"[23]p.587
  • Burnoose – a long, loose hooded cloak."in a mottled burnoose"[23]p.321
  • Burseg - "A commanding general of the Sardaukar."[23]p.587
  • Butlerian Jihad – see Jihad, Butlerian (also Great Revolt.)
  • Byzantine corruption - "You think we have the Byzantine corruption."[23]p.246 Byzantine the 11-12th century was famed for have plots and usurpations, full of corruption and betrail.

- C -

  • Caid - "Sardaukar officer rank given to a military official whose duties call mostly for dealings with civilians. a military governorship over a full planetary district; above the rank of Bashar but not equal to a Burseg."[23]p.588
  • Caladan - "Third planet of the Delta Pavonis; Birthworld of Paul Muad'Dib"[23]p.588
  • Calendar - "in their horizon-calendar that marked the middle of autumn, the month of Caprock."[23]p.392
  • Call Code - "transceiver on his belt kit. (...) Thufir has my call code."[23]p.116, presumably a code specific to a particular transceiver.
  • Cant - "it fitted into the cant well" [23]p.340 I feel this definition of cant fits best  "language specific to a particular group or profession" the group being Fremen the profession, Sayyadina.
  • Canto and Respondu - "An invocation rite, part of the panoplia Propheticus of the Missionaria Protectiva."[23]p.588
  • Caprock – month in the middle of Autumn [23]p.392
  • Carryall - "A flying wing (commonly 'Wing'), the aerial workhorse of Arrakis, used to transport large spice mining, hunting and refining equipment."[23]p.588 "a winged device that dwarfed the images of human figures around it (...) It's essentially a large 'thopter,"[23]P.109
  • Carthag - " at our city of Carthag"[23]p.29. Carthag was the Harkonnen capital city before the switch to Atreides rule.
  • Catch-Basins - "used to dig underground catch basins"[23]p.568 water storage area that could be huge in scale.
  • Catchpocket - "any stillsuit pocket where filtered water is caught and stored."[23]p.588
  • Cave of Birds - " at Cave of Birds beneath Habbanya Ridge,(...) No green, no blossom softened that rigid horizon. Beyond it stretched the way to the southern desert, a course of at least ten days and nights, as fast as they could goad the makers. Twenty thumpers."[23]p.467 "the narrow side-passage entrance to the Cave of Birds"[23]p.504
  • Cave of Ridges - ""We must be at Cave of the Ridges before dawn."[23]p.332
  • Cavern -"toward the depths of the cavern, headed for the place that each such cavern had, a place near its water-holding basin. There would be a small shai-hulud in this place, a creature no more than nine meters long, kept stunted and trapped by surrounding water ditches. "[23]p.503
  • Central Belt - "the edge of the central belt,"[23]p.588, remark made by Kynes, no information at this time, ill guess this is a reference to land around the equatorial region. as there's also a reference to storms and the equatorial region being the area for coriolis storms.
  • C.E.T - "Commission of Ecumenical Translators. (C.E.T.);"[23]p.573
  • Chakobsa - "The so called 'magnetic language ' derived in part from the ancient Bhotani (Bhotani Jib – jib meaning Dialect). A collection of ancient dialects modified by needs of secrecy, but chiefly the hunting language of the Bhotani, the hired assassins of the First Wars of Assassins."[23]p.588. Chakobsa is a Northwest Caucasian language, possibly in the Circassian subgroup. According to linguist John Colarusso, Chakobsa is also known as shikwoshir or the 'hunting language' and was originally a secret language used only by the princes and nobles. A fictional language in Dune Chakobsa. The samples of this invented language are actually a mixture of Romania, Serbo-Croatian, and Arabic. see Wiki
  • Chakobsa way - "It's the Chakobsa way."[23]p.399 this has popped up a couple of times said by Fremen, as yet no more information on how this is incorporated into Fremen society.
  • Chalkboard - "a chalkboard against the far wall" [23]p.399 sietch teaching aid.
  • Chaumas - "(Aumas in some dialects); Poison in solid food as distinguished from poison administered in some other way."[23]p.588
  • Chaumurky - "(Musky or Murky in some Dialects);Poison administered in a drink."[23]p.588
  • Cheops - " pyramid-chess; nine-level chess with the double object of putting your queen at the apex and the opponents king in check"[23]p.588 ""I've been playing cheops "[23]p.423
  • Cherem - "A brotherhood of hate.(usually for revenge)"[23]p.588
  • Chevalier - "As a Chevalier of the Imperium"[23]p.158  
  • Chiroptera – word for bats also "the voice of the cielago"[23]p.323 Name for bats on Arrakis. a Chakobsa word."recognized a tiny bat. The bat turned its head and Hawat saw its blue-within-blue eyes." [23]p.251"were brown-winged bats" [23]p.258 likely the same spices that the Fremen with Hawat had as this was seen in Fremen controlled environment.
  • CHOAM - "acronym for Combined Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles – the universal development corporation controlled by the Emperor and Great Houses with the Guild and Bene Gesserit as silent partners."[23]p.588 "CHOAM..the key to wealth, each noble House dipping from the company's coffers...under the power of the directorships"[23]p.32 "CHOAM directorships... real evidence of political power in the Imperium... voting strength within the Landsraad as it balanced itself against the Emperor and his supporters."[23]p.33
  • Chukka - "he said, tasting the chukka"[23]p.160 Chukka is a Tamil word that means "dry" and refers to a variety of meat dishes that are cooked until the water dries up.
  • Chusuk - "fourth Planet of Theta Shalish; so called 'Music planet' noted for the quality of its musical instruments.(see Varota)."[23]p.588
  • Cielago - "any modified Chiroptera of Arrakis adapted to carry distrans messages"[23]p.588
  • Clenched Fist beside the ear - "He put his clenched right fist beside his ear. "I invoke the silence on her!"[23]p.347 this is interesting as the Harkonnen's did something similar when talking about Jessica, this symbolism then seems to be quite wide spread when it comes tot he Bene Gesserit.
  • Coan-Teen -"the female death-spirit who walks without feet"
  • Coffee - "coffee was brought in from the adjoining room" [23]p.104 , nice to see coffee is still around!
  • Coil-slot water machine - "beside a coil-slot water machine"[233]p.99, no information however I am presuming this is some form of dispensing machine.
  • Communications equipment - "setting up communications equipment in an adjoining room (...) shutting off the noise of static and electronic sparking."[23]p.119, makes you wonder what this equipment is like, memories of old flash gorden films come to mind.
  • Communinet - "the communinet was certain to be tapped"[23]p.95, dune version of the internet?
  • Communinet receiver - "the tiny receiver Idaho had left for them, flipped its switch. A green light glowed on the instrument's face. Tinny screeching came from its speaker (...) hunted across the bands. A voice speaking Atreides battle language (...) " . . . back and regroup at the ridge. Fedor reports no survivors in Carthag and the Guild Bank has been sacked. (...)They're Sardaukar, (...) Watch out for Sardaukar in Atreides uniforms. They're . . . (...) Try the other bands,""As she moved the band-slide,"[23]p.223, I thought the communinet might be some kind of internet but this receiver makes me think more of a radio.
  • Council – Fremen body to discus Matters."It'll be decided in council," Stilgar said. "You can speak then."[23]p.396
  • Concubine - "I'm the bound concubine of the Duke Leto." [23]p.68, It is common practice for members of noble houses to have concubines and thus leave themselves free to marry for political reasons. The offspring of concubines are considered Legal Heirs.
  • Condition-ut-extremis - "condition created in order to survive a deadly situation" this is the best fitting translation I could find, no idea how accurate it is but it dose fit the narrative well.
  • Cone of silence - "the field of a distorter that limits the carrying power of the voice or any other vibrator by dampening the vibrations with an image-vibration 180 degrees out of phase."[23]p.588"There's a cone of silence between two of the pillars over here on our left,(...) We can talk there without fear of being overheard."[23]p.374
  • Coriolis storm - "Any major sandstorm on Arrakis where winds across the open flatlands are amplified by the planet's own revolutionary motion to reach speeds up to 700 kilometres per hour."[23]p.588 "Those storms build up across six or seven thousand kilometres of flatlands... Coriolis force.... They can blow up to seven hundred kilometres an hour,"[23]p.588(Because a planet rotates on its axis, circulating air is deflected toward the right in the Northern Hemisphere and toward  the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This deflection is called the Coriolis effect, On Dune they regularly sweep the Deep Desert.) Out of interest the fastest wind gust was 407 km/h,(253mph), and sustained (over 1 minute), is 305 km/h(190mph).The fastest tornado 517km/h (321 mph). "winds over eight hundred kilometres."[23]p.268
  • Corrin, Battle of - "The space battle from which the Imperial House Corrino took its name. The battle fought near Sigma Draconis in the year 88B.G settled the ascendancy of the ruling house from Salusa Secundus"[23]p.588
  • Cousines - "Blood relations beyond cousins".[23]p.588
  • Chronicles – Fremen - "observe the rite that it may be reported truly in the Chronicles." [23]p.447
  • Crusher - "Military space vessels composed of smaller vessels locked together and designed to fall on an enemy position, crushing it."[23]p.588
  • Crysknife - "the sacred knife of the Fremen on Arrakis. It is manufactured in two forms from teeth taken from dead sandworms. The two forms are 'fixed' and 'Unfixed'. An unfixed knife requires proximity to a humans body's electrical field to prevent disintegration. Fixed knives are treated for storage. All are About 20 centimetres long"[23]p.589,"a dark sheath. A black handle with deep finger ridges protruded from it... withdrew a milk-white blade,.... The blade seemed to shine and glitter with a light of its own. It was double-edged like a kindjal and the blade was perhaps twenty centimetres long."[23]P.70, "the blade that had never been taken off the planet, and was known only by rumour and wild gossip."[23]P.70,"the knife blade sent glittering shards of reflection shooting around the room."[23]p.71 , "This is an unfixed blade, my Lady. Keep it near you. More than a week away from flesh and it begins to disintegrate."[23]p.71 , " you've sheathed that blade unblooded.","With a gasp,... tore open the brown bodice, wailing: "Take the water of my life!""[23]p.71 "Milky white and glowing with a light of its own like (...) a sheath with a black-ridged handle protruding from it (...) Keep that blade in its sheath!"[23]p.112 "it's the mark of the Fremen, Sire. With it, a blue-eyed man could penetrate any sietch in the land."[23]p.115
  • Cutterray - "Short-range version of a lasgun, primarily used as a cutting tool and surgeon's scalpel "[23]p.589
  • Cymek - "A Cymek is a type of cyborg or machine-human hybrid. The only organic part of a cymek is its brain. Living humans willingly have their brains transplanted into mechanized bodies with the intent of extending life indefinitely."[1]

- D -

  • Dar al-hikman - "School of religious translation or interpretation."[23]p.589
  • Dark things - "idiomatic for the infectious superstitions taught by the Missionaria Protectiva to susceptible civilisations."[23]p.589
  • Dart Gun - "walking toward him, pocketing a dart-gun."[23]p.189 gun capable of firing a dart that can tranquillise opponents.
  • Death commandos - " captain of the Fedaykin, leader of the death commandos who guarded Muad'Dib."[23]p.443
  • Death Tripod - "Originally, the tripod upon which desert executioners hanged their victims. By usage: the three members of a Cherem sworn to destroy their enemy."[23]p.589
  • Deep desert – a description, used to describe the vast and usually the most inhospitable of Arrakis’s deserts. Usually referring to those deserts around the planets equator , however it was used at time to describe deserts closer to the polar regions . The deep desert is usually considered the rangies of the largest sandwaorms.
  • Demibrothers - "Sons of concubines in the same household and certified as having the same father."[23]p.589
  • Derch - "right turn, a worm steersman call"[23]p.589
  • Dew collectors or Dew precipitators - "not to be confused with dew gatherers. Collectors or Precipitators are egg- shaped devices about 4 centimetres on the long axis. They are made of chromoplastic that turns a reflecting white when subjected to light , and reverts to transparency in the darkness. The collector forms a markedly cold surface upon which dawn dew will precipitate. They are used by Fremen to line concave planting depressions where they provide small but reliable source of water.[23]p.589 "We need many dew collectors for the planting"[23]p.397
  • Dew Gatherers - "Workers who reap dew from the plants of Arrakis, using a scythe like dew reaper."[23]p.589 "moving into the flower fields, sweeping them with strange scythe-like devices, dew gatherers."[23]p.124
  • Dictum familia - "The rule of the Great Convention which prohibited the slaying of a royal person or member of a Great House by informal treachery. The rule set up the formal outline, limits the means of assassination."[23]p.589
  • Distrans - "A device for producing a temporary neural imprint on the nervous system of Chiroptera or birds. The creature's normal cry then carries the message imprint which can be sorted from that carrier wave by another distrans."[23]p.589 ""He uses men to carry his distrans messages,(...)  All great powers used the distrans in this age.(...)The distrans defied political cryptology because it relied on subtle distortions of natural sound patterns which could be scrambled with enormous intricacy."[28]p.40
  • Doorseal - "A portable plastic hermetic seal used for moisture security in Fremen overday cave camps"[23]p.590 "Get the door-seal in place and see to moisture security."[23]p.334
  • Drachms – in this case a fluid Drachm is equal to 1/8th of a fluid ounce. as this is the English spelling ill go with the same volumes. 1 fluid ounce = 29.6ml, 1/8th ounce (1 drachm)= 3.7ml, 1/32nd of a drachm would be 0.115625 ml..1 drop = 0.05ml. In the world today there are variances on what a fluid oz is so it could be slightly different again for the Fremen, but this dose go to show the accuracy to which the Fremen measure water. "carried thirty-three litres and seven and three-thirty-seconds drachms of the tribe's water,"[23]p.363 in this example the man had 33 litres apx, the average man is 42 litres, this difference could be explained by differences in build  , Fremen being adapted to dune and naturally holding less water possibly, we have already seen one possible adaptation, Jamis was already lacking water there are indications that some in the troop were possibly dangerously low and he just had a fight which would have meant some more water loss.
  • Drum Heads - "stories told of Muad'Dib, the Lisan al-Gaib, how he had taken the skin of a Harkonnen officer to make his drumheads," [23]p.481
  • Drum sand - "Impaction of sand in such a way that any sudden blow against its surface produces a distinct drum sound "[23]p.589 ""The slightest step sets it drumming. Worms always come to that."[23]p.140 please note this is bad if you wish not to attract worms... just saying.... "a plane of flat sand stretching out(...) He stepped onto it (...) Resonant booming shook the sand around them.(...)"Boom! Boom!" "Drum sand!" [23]p.307
  • Dump boxes - "the general term for any cargo container of irregular shape and equipment with ablation surfaces and suspensor dampening system. They are used to dump material from space onto a planets surface"[23]p.590
  • Duncan Idaho - Swordmaster of House Atreides. See Also Ateides -Characters
  • Dune Men - "idiomatic for open sand workers, spice hunters and the like on Arrakis. Sandworkers. Spiceworkers."[23]p.590
  • Dune Tarot - "the spies in Muad'dib's household. They make much of the Dune Tarot "[28]p.8
  • Dust chasm - "any deep crevasse or depression on the desert of Arrakis that has been filled with dust not apparently different from the surrounding surface; a deadly trap because human or animal will sink in it and smother (see tidal Dust Basin.)"[23]p.590

- E -

  • Ecaz - "Fourth planet of Alpha Centauri B. the sculptor's paradise so called because it is the home of fogwood, the plant growth capable of being shaped in situ solely by the power of human though" [23]p.590
  • Ego-likeness - "portrait reproduced through a shigawire projector that is capable of reproducing subtle movements said to convey the ego essence." [23]p.590
  • Elacca drug - "Narcotic formed by burning blood-grained Elacca wood of Ecaz. It's effect is to remove most of the will to self-preservation; Duruggee skin shows a characteristic carrot colour .Commonly used to prepare slave gladiators for the ring." [23]p.590 "to be hyped on elacca drug to come out kill-ready "[23]p.382
  • Elacca Wood - "a top of jade-pink petrified elacca wood"[23]p.25 see Elacca drug.
  • El-sayal - "the 'rain of sand.' A fall of dust which has been carried to medium altitude (around 2,000 meters) by a Coriolis storm. El-sayal’s frequently bring moisture to ground level." [23]p.590
  • Energy Caps - "literjons, still-tent, energy caps, recaths(...)So many things for survival on the desert."[23]p.224
  • Entrepreneur class - "in the entrepreneur class."[23]p.111 see Faufreluches.
  • Erg - "an extensive dune area, a sea of sand" [23]p.590
  • Etiquette - "but this time he nodded to her, the nod one gives an equal."[23]p.37
                           " taught how to bow."his dancing master had taught, the one used "when in doubt of another's station."[23]p.17
                           ""I thank you for the gift. Dr. Yueh," Paul said, speaking formally."[23]p.56
                           "I am called the Shadout Mapes, Noble Born"[23]p.68, addressing a noble born.
                            "You may refer to me as 'my Lady,' [23]p.68, Jessica to Mapes, as Jessica at this time did not consider herself Noble born.
                            " call the Duke 'my Lord ' or 'Sire.' 'Noble Born' also is correct, but usually reserved for more formal occasions. The son may be                         addressed as 'young Master' or 'my Lord.'"[23]p.129
                             "the Duke lifted his water flagon, and this time emptied its remaining half onto the floor, knowing that the others around the                              table must do the same."[23]p.160

- F -

  • Face Dancer - "Bene Tleilex with their Face-Dancer disguises" [28]p.8 "bland, round-faced appearance (...) jolly features and vapid full lips, the body of a bloated dumpling. (...) He alone in this group could manipulate fleshly appearance across a wide spectrum of bodily shapes and features. He was the human chameleon, a Face Dancer" [28]p.12 "They were all products of profound prana-bindu training, (...) Scytale, a Face Dancer, had muscles and nerve linkages the others didn't even possess plus a special quality of sympatico, a mimic's insight with which he could put on the psyche of another as well as the other's appearance." [28]p.12 so the Tleilex also have prana-bindu training.
    ""A Face Dancer risks exposure under prolonged surveillance." [28]p.18 ""We are Jadacha hermaphrodites(...)either sex at will."[28]p.39 "Scytale took the young woman's arm, urged her gently to her feet, shifted his own appearance before she looked at him. She came erect, focused on him. "What is it, Farok?" [28]p.46  shows how quickly they can perform a change.
  • Fai - "The "water tribute", chief specie of tax on Arrakis" [23]p.590 in the 102nd century B.G. specie = money in the form of coins not notes.
  • Fanmetal - "metal formed by the growing of jasmium crystals in duraluminium; noted for extreme tensile strength in relationship to weight. Name derives from its common use in collapsible structures"[23]p.590
  • Faufreluches - "The rigid rule of class distinction enforced by the imperium. "A place for every Man and every Man a place."[23]p.590 "his teacher, had hinted that the faufreluches class system was not rigidly guarded on Arrakis"[23]p.15
  • Fedaykin - "Fremen death commandos; historically: a group formed and pledged to give their lives to right a wrong."[23]p.590
  • Field Generator - "the field-generator equipment is not working. I am unable to mask us from proximity detectors."[23]p.590
  • Film-base - " spice residue as raw material (...) factory to manufacture film-base?"[23]p.126 spice has been hinted at as a raw material in plastic manufacture, this reference is used in referring to making propaganda, film-base makes me think of some form of plastic sheet that can be used like paper or paper substitute, though i have no evidence to back this up.
  • Filmbook - "any shigawire imprint used in training and carrying a mnemonic pulse."[23]p.590 "have a film-book viewer and several lessons during the crossing "[23]p.52
  • Filt-plug - "a noise filter unit worn within a stillsuit to capture moisture from exhaled air."[23]p.591
  • Filter glass - "front of the wide reach of filter glass"[23]p.89 , considering this glass was first mentioned in relation to a wet plant room on Arrakis, for plants imported there , I am assuming the glass dose more than change the colour of the native sun but probably also effects things like UV as well.
  • Fiqh - "knowledge, religious law; one of the half-legendary origins of the Zensunni wanderers' religion."[23]p.591 is meant also to be a Chakobsa word.
  • Fire-pillar - "thumpers, Fremkit, fire pillar..."[23]p.224, a simple pyro-rocket, used as a signal device.
  • First Moon -" the major satellite of Arrakis, first to rise in the night; notable for a distinct human fist pattern on its surface."[23]p.591
  • Flip-dart - "If it's a flip-dart, Paul thought,"[23]p.556 "to see the needlepoint flick out beneath the belt line." [23]p.558
  • Flower-sand - "on flour-sand for its softness." [23]p.442
  • Flow-meter - " into the pool through a flow-meter. The meter was a round gray eye above the pool's rim. She saw its glowing pointer move as the water flowed through it, saw the pointer stop at thirty-three litres, seven and three-thirty-seconds drachms. Superb accuracy in water measurement,(...) the walls of the meter trough held no trace of moisture after the water's passage. The water flowed off those walls without binding tension(...)a profound clue to Fremen technology in the simple fact: they were perfectionists."[23]p.367
  • Fourteen Sages, the - "the Fourteen Sages, whose Book was the Orange Catholic Bible"[23]p.573
  • Fremen - "the free tribes of Arrakis, dwellers in the desert, remnants of the Zensunni Wanderers. ("Sand Pirates" according to the Imperial Dictionary.)"[23]p.591."is their eyes, totally blue, no whites in them.","to saturation of the blood with melange."," Fremen must be brave to live at the edge of that desert." [23]p.55 "It was said that desert men wore a belted sash into which they tucked small necessities." [23]p.137
  • Free traders - "to the free traders for the cursed Guild"[23]p.335 "idiomatic for smugglers."[23]p.591
  • Fremkit - "who had put the Fremkit there" [23]p.219 Backpack, Fremen style.."desert survival kit of Fremen manufacture."[23]p.591
  • Frigate - "largest spaceship that can be grounded on a planet and taken off in one piece."[23]p.591 "to escape on shielded frigates" [23]p.109
  • Funeral Plane - " On the Funeral Plain we learned to despise the men of the communities."[23]p.519A

- G -

  • Galach - "official language of the Imperium. Hybrid Inglo-Slavic with strong traces of cultural specialisation terms adopted during the long chain of human migrations."[23]p.591"they didn't speak Galach on Arrakis"[23]p.45
  • Gamont - "The third planet of the Niushe; noted for its hedonistic culture and exotic sexual practices."[23]p.591
  • Gare - "butte"[23]p.591
  • Garvarg - ""We are not wailing for our dead like a pack of garvarg."[23]p.361 your guess is as good as mine, however pack – dogs? wolves?
  • Gathering - "distinguished from Council Gathering. It is a formal convocation of Fremen leaders to witness a combat that determines tribal leadership.(a council Gathering is an assembly to arrive at decisions involving all the tribes.)"[23]p.591 "There will be a Gathering," he said. "I will send the messages."[23]p.467
  • Gestures - "He held out his right hand, palm up and thumb folded flat against it in the traditional gesture. "I give you my sword." [23]p.300 ref Gurney Halleck to Smuggler
  • Geyrat - "Straight ahead; a worm steersman's call."[23]p.591
  • Ghafla - "giving oneself up to gadfly distractions. Thus; a changeable person, one not to be trusted."[23]p.591
  • Ghanima - "something acquired in battle or single combat. Commonly a memento of combat kept only to stir the memory"[23]p.591 The name given to Paul atreides Daughter. See Atreides
  • Giedi prime - "the planet orbiting Ophiuchi B(36). Home of House Harkonnen. A medium-viable planet with a low active photosynthesis range"[23]p.591
  • Ginaz, house of - "one-time allies of Duke Leto Atreides. They were defeated in the War of Assassins with Grumman"[23]p.591 As Grumman is a planet and thus this statement dose not make sense, you could read "with" as "on" or "Grumman" as "House Moritani".
  • Giudichar - "a holy truth. (Commonly seen in the expression Giudichar mantene: an original and supporting truth.)"[23]p.591 ""Giudichar mantene: It is written in the Shah-Nama that water was the first of all things created."[23]p.359
  • Glowglobe - "Suspensor-buoyed illuminating device, self-powered ( usually by melange spice mass; a device of the second stage in spice refining)"[23]p.591 "glowglobes were brought and all of them tuned to the yellow band."[23]p.347"darting to their positions: one at the head of their bed, one hovering beside her to light her work."[28]p.24
  • Ghola - "a ghola, the flesh brought back from the dead (...) this ghola was Duncan Idaho,"[28]p.8
  • Gom jabbar - "'the high-handed enemy.' that specific poison needle tipped with meta-cyanide used by the Bene Gesserit Proctors in the death-alternative test of human awareness"[23]p.592 When driven into a victim, it brought almost instantaneous death.                                                                      "It kills only animals, Let us say I suggest you may be human. Steady! I warn you not to try jerking away.                                                                                                                  I am old, but my hand can drive this needle into your neck before you can escape me                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -Reverend Mother Gaius Mohiam, while testing Paul Atreides with a Gom Jabbar.                                                                 Size Varies, hand held. Name derives from the Arabic Name "Jabbar" meaning Powerful. It became associated with                                                   the concept of Allah's attribute of al-Jabbar, meaning the "Compeller" or "the Irresistible". 
  • Gom jabbar Box -"a green metal cube about fifteen centimetres on a side."one side was open, black and oddly frightening.[23]p.18 (the name is made up have yet to see a canon reference for it)
  • Graben -" a long geological ditch formed when the ground sinks because of movements in the underlying crustal layers"[23]p.592 "There's little to tell them from the folk of the graben"[23]p.43, though not mentioned as a place of habitation these geological formations must also provide suitable sites for settlement. 
  • Great Convention - "the universal truce enforced under the power balance maintained by the Guild, the Great Houses and the Imperium. Its chief rule prohibits the use of atomics weapons against human targets. Each rule of the Great Convention begins; "the forms must be obeyed..."[23]p.592 "The language of the Great Convention is clear enough: (end of page 518)'Use of atomics against humans shall be cause for planetary obliteration.' "[23]p.518 "And he couched his words in the ancient formula: "I, a Duke of a Great House, an Imperial Kinsman, give my word of bond under the Convention. If the Emperor and his people lay down their arms and come to me here I will guard their lives with my own." Paul held up his left hand with the ducal signet for the Sardaukar to see. "I swear it by this."[23]p.539
  • Great Flat – area of desert centred below the 60deg North Latitude and crosses apx the 80-90deg longitude. to the east of the Funeral Planes and roughly south west of the false west wall.
  • Great House – also referred to as House Major or Great Families, these are dynastic families normally with one or more planets under their control. The were the rulers of these planets normally in the form of a fiefdom handed to them by the Emperor (house Corrino). All the great houses military strength put together could hope to defeat the imperial house, and here is the balance that keeps under control and can be said to be the initial motivating force behind the whole dune story. The Great Houses in Dune are, Corrino, Atreides, Harkonnen. "What do the Great Houses of the Landsraad fear most? (...) the Sardaukar picking them off one by one. That's why there is a Landsraad. This is the glue of the Great Convention. Only in union do they match the Imperial forces." [23]p.260 "the Great Houses all would learn what you did on Arrakis. They've long suspected how you do business."[23]p.375 Fenring to the Baron.
  • Great Mother - "the horned Goddess, the feminine principle of space (commonly: Mother Space), the feminine face of the male-female-neuter trinity accepted as Supreme Being by many religions with the Imperium"[23]p.592
  • Great Revolt - "common term for the Butlerian Jihad.(see jihad, Butlerian)"[23]p.592
  • Great Schools - "but polite in that blindly compulsive way adepts of the Great Schools always adopted for matters close to their dogma." [28]p.10, the Great schools refer to The Bene Gesserit, Mentat's and Navigators (spacing Guild).
  • Gridex plane - "a differential-charge separator used to remove sand from the melange spice mass; a device of the second stage in spice refining. "[23]p.592
  • Grumman - "second planet of Niushe, noted chiefly for the feud of its ruling house (Moritani) with house Ginaz."[23]p.592
  • Guild, "the Spacing Guild, one leg of political tripod maintaining the Great Convention. The guild was the second mental-physical training school (see Bene Gesserit) after the Butlerian Jihad. The Guild Monopoly on space travel and Transport and upon international banking is taken as the beginning point of the Imperial Callander"[23]p.592 Hence in dating B.G and A.G before and after guild.
  • Guide poles - ""Those poles we passed, there are more of them. (...) saw the poles, wind-scratched markers, made out the shadow of a narrow ledge that twisted into a crevasse high above them.(...) "They mark a way up the cliff,"[23]p.310
  • Guerilla house - "a guerrilla House, running, hunted." [23]p.127
  • Gurney Halleck - Warrior Trubadour of Hose Atreides See Also Ateides -Characters

- H -

  • Habbanya erg - "And I am a Fremen born this day here in the Habbanya erg"[23]p.466 Paul ridding on the back of his first worm.
  • Habbanya ridge - "at Cave of Birds beneath Habbanya Ridge,(...) No green, no blossom softened that rigid horizon. Beyond it stretched the way to the southern desert, a course of at least ten days and nights, as fast as they could goad the makers. Twenty thumpers."[23]p.467 unless i discover otherwise I am assuming the ridge and erg are part of the same area.
  • Hagal - "the 'Jewel Planet', (II Theta Shaowei), mined out in the time of Shaddam I"[23]p.592
  • Haiiiii-Yoh! - "command to action; worm-steersman's call."[23]p.592
  • Hajj - "holy journey"[23]p.592
  • Hajr - "desert journey, migration."[23]p.592
  • Hajra - "journey of seeking"[23]p.592
  • Hal yawm - "'Now! At last!'.a Fremen exclamation"[23]p.592
  • Harah - Wife of Jamis then via his defete in combat she became pauls , who chose to have her as his servent , See Characters
  • Harg Pass - "I enshrined the skull of my father in a Fremen rock mound overlooking Harg Pass."[23]p.439
  • Harmonthep - "Ingsley gives this as the planet name for the sixth stop in the Zensunni migration. It is supposed to have been a no longer existent satellite of Delta Pavonis."[23]p.592
  • Harvester or Harvester Factory - "a large (often 120 metres by 40 metres) spice mining machine commonly employed on rich, uncontaminated melange blows . (often called a 'Crawler' because of bug-like body on independent tracks.)"[23]p.592 "the thing was about one hundred and twenty meters long and about forty meters wide. It was basically a long, bug-like body moving on independent sets of wide tracks."[23]p.107 "the one they call 'Old Maria,"[23]p.107 used as a punishment due to its old age.""worms in the deep desert could take this entire factory in one gulp (...) Up here closer to the Shield Wall where most of the spicing's done (...) plenty of worms that could cripple this factory and devour it at their leisure."[23]p.108 "the metal and plastic monster beneath them. It looked like a great tan and blue beetle with many wide tracks extending on arms around it. He saw a giant inverted funnel snout poked into dark sand in front of it"[23]p.143 "the yellow cloud belching from the crawler's pipe vents"[23]p.144, "should be twenty-six men on that"[23]p.144 "on our rumbler?"[23]p.150 , slang term.
  • Hawt , the fish Monster - Term for Alia Atreides .See Atreides
  • Hayt - See Duncun idaho / Atreides.
  • Heighliner - " major cargo carrier of the Spacing Guild's transportation system "[23]p.593, "We'll be riding a Heighliner because it's a long trip. A Heighliner is truly big. Its hold will tuck all our frigates and transports into a little corner.", "And we won't be able to leave our frigates?", "That's part of the price you pay for Guild Security." [23]p.61, "We'll be riding a Heighliner because it's a long trip"[23]p.61
  • Heir – designate - "the mother of his heir-designate."[23]p.69, another way of saying "Na-'Position' " indicating the referenced person is nominated as the next in line to inherit.
  • Heisenberg indeterminacy - "The uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle, is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It states that there is a limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, can be simultaneously known" ref Wikipedia.
  • Helen Richeses - Wife to Paulus Atreides , 19th Duke of Caladan.
  • Hiereg - "temporary Fremen desert camp on open sand".[23]p.593 "he was in a hiereg, a desert camp"[23]p.442
  • High board - "but we have no Truthsayer qualified by the High Board."[23]p.179, truth-says come from the Bene Gesserit, i have no information on the high board at this time , however ill presume its some formal group in the order that determines the classification of someone as a truth-sayer
  • High College - " conditioned by the High College" [23]p.179, in reference to Yueh and his conditioning , again no further information on this but ill presume this High College is some official body in the Suc School that performs and then verifies the Imperial Conditioning
  • High council - "the Landsraad inner circle empowered to act as supreme tribunal in House disputes."[23]p.593
  • Hole in the rock - "When the hawk plane stooped upon us at Hole-in-the-Rock"[23]p.360 Stilgar referring to Jamis saving him.
  • Holtzman Effect - "the negative repelling effect of a shield generator"[23]p.593
  • Hookman - "Fremen with Maker hooks prepared to catch a sandworm."[23]p.593
  • House - "idiomatic for a Ruling Clan on a planet or planetary system"[23]p.593.In the time of the Imperium, A house was a dynastic seat of power. Sometimes occupying just a world or several or if a minor house just operating on a world normally in relation to a Major house.
  • House Major - "holders of planetary fiefs; interplanetary entrepreneurs (see house)."[23]p.593
  • House Minor - "planet-bound entrepreneur class (Galach: 'Richece')."[23]p.593
  • Hunter-seeker - "a ravening sliver of Suspensor-buoyed metal guided as a weapon by a nearby control console, commonly assassination device"[23]p.593, "a tiny hunter-seeker no more than five centimetres long""a common assassination weapon that every child of royal blood learned about at an early age""It could burrow into moving flesh and chew its way up nerve channels to the nearest vital organ.""limitations: Its compressed suspensor field distorted the vision of its transmitter eye. With nothing but the dim light of the room to reflect his target, the operator would be relying on motion, anything that moved. A shield could slow a hunter, give time to destroy it ... Lasguns would knock them down, "[23]p.84"The suspensor field will make it slippery on the bottom""A faint humming could be heard from it.""Who is operating that thing?...it has to be someone near."[23]p.85""Hunter-seeker... Water should short it out.", "Seeker control beams have a limited range"[23]p.91"He had a seeker console."[23]p.93
  • Hutment - "A single metal hutment, many stories tall, reached out in a thousand-meter circle from the base of the lighter, a tent composed of interlocking metal leaves, the temporary lodging place for five legions of Sardaukar and His Imperial Majesty, the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV.(...)I count nine levels to it. Must be quite a few Sardaukar in there.""Five legions,"[23]p.515
  • Hypno-ligation - "Hypno-ligation of that Feyd-Rautha's psyche"[23]p.391 "I'll plant deep in his deepest self the necessary prana-bindu phrases to bend him."[23]p.390 Hypno – ligation, Hypno relating to hypnosis, ligation can mean something that binds, so this is some form of hypnosis that's applied to help bind / control the subject the impression is also at a level the subject might not be even aware of.

- I -

  • Ibad, Eyes of - " characteristic effect of a diet high in melange wherein the whites and pupils of the eyes turn a deep blue (indicative of deep melange addiction)."[23]p.593
  • Ibn Qirtaiba - "' Thus go the holy words....' Formal beginning to Fremen religious incantation (derived from panoplia Propheticus)."[23]p.593
  • Ichwan Bedwine - " the brotherhood of all Fremen on Arrakis."[23]p.593
  • Ijaz - "prophecy that by its very nature cannot be denied; immutable prophecy".[23]p.593 "under the binding of karama and Ijaz,"[23]p.328
  • Ikhut-eigh! - "cry of the water-seller on Arrakis. (etymology is uncertain.)" [23]p.593. See also, Soo Soo Sook!
  • Ilm – Fremen term for Theology. "was the language of Ilm and Fiqh,"[23]p.323 implies Ilm is a Chakobsa word."theology; science of religious tradition; one of the half-legendary origins of the Zensunni Wanderers' faith."[23]p.593
  • Imperial Basin -"They formed a suburb of Arrakeen which stretched into the Imperial Basin past Tiemag." [28]p.37
  • Imperial conditioning - " a development of the Suk Medical Schools. The highest conditioning against taking human life. Initiates are marked by a diamond Tattoo on the forehead and are permitted to ware their hair long and bound by a silver Suk ring ".[23]p.593
  • Imperial Harem - "of the Imperial harem"[23]p.373 the imperial house has a harem apparently and also seems not too concerned with slavery either, this might be a future setting in a sci-fi environment but its full of historical trappings and morality.
  • Inkvine - "a creeping plant native to Giedi Prime and frequently used as a whip in its slave pens. Victims were marked by beet-coloured tattoos that caused residual pain for many years."[23]p.593
  • Instory Paper - " a note on instroy paper." can not find any information on this atm.
  • Istislah- " a rule of general welfare; usually a preface to a brutal necessity".[23]p.593 "It is the rule, Istislah, in the general interest"[23]p.324
  • Ix – see Richese


- J -

  • Jihad - "a religious crusade; fanatical crusade".[23]p.594
  • Jihad, Butlerian - "the crusade against computers, thinking machines, and conscious robots begun in 201 B.G. and concluded in 108 B.G. It's chief commandment remains in the O.C. Bible as ' though shall not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind'"[23]p.594 see great Revolt
  • Jubba Cloak - " the all-purpose cloak (it can be set to reflect or admit radiant heat , converts to a hammock or shelter) commonly worn over a stillsuit on Arrakis."[23]p.594 "unfamiliarity with the garment. It clung to the legs of his stillsuit on one side. It lacked a free-swinging, striding rhythm."[23]p.129
  • Judge of the Change - "an official appointed by the Landsraad High Council and the Emperor to monitor a change of fief, a kanly negotiation, or formal battle in a Wars of Assassins. A Judge's arbitral authority may only be challenged only before the High Council with the emperor present."[23]p.594


- K -

  • Kanly - "formal feud or vendetta under the rules of the Great Convention carried on according to the strictest limitations. (see judge of the change)Originally, the rules were designed to protect innocent bystanders."[23]p.594 "Kanly, is it?" the Baron asked. "Vendetta, heh? And he uses the nice old word so rich in tradition","You made the peace gesture","The forms have been obeyed."[23]p.25 "the actual no-holds-barred convention that ruled in kanly"[23]p.111 "There's a range of fine distinctions in kanly. This could be a work of art among vendettas."[23]p.121 "The Duke has sworn kanly. He will leave no Harkonnen agent alive on Arrakis, of course." She glanced at the Guild Bank agent. "And the Conventions, naturally, support him in this."[23]p.171
  • Karama - "a miracle; an action initiated by the spirit world."[23]p.594 "gave it under the binding of karama"[23]p.328
  • Kedem - "One worm could carry us into Kedem, the inner desert."[28]p.38 from sietch Tabr.
  • Kerchief of the bakka - "two squares of gauze (...) fixed one around Jessica's neck beneath her hood, fitted the other around Paul's neck in the same way."Now you wear the kerchief of the bakka(...)If we become separated, you will be recognized as belonging to Stilgar's sietch.[23]p.330 in piratical terms a form a sietch identification / protection, not a hard stretch to think that all sietchies do the same or similar, we don't know if the gauze has a sietch specific pattern or colour.
  • Khala - "traditional invocation to still the angry spirits of a place whose name you mention."[23]p.594
  • Kindjal - "double bladed short sword (or long Knife) with about 20 centimetres of slightly curved blade.)"[23]p.594
  • Kiswa - "Any figure or design from Fremen mythology."[23]p.594
  • Kitab Al-Ibar- "The combined survival handbook/religious manual developed by the Fremen on Arrakis."[23]p.594
  • Krimskell fibre or Krimskell rope- "the 'claw fibre' woven with the strands of the hufuf vine from Ecaz. Knots tied in a Krimskell will claw tighter and tighter to preset limits when the knot – lines are pulled (for a more detailed study, see Holijance Vohnbrook's " the strange vines of Ecaz)"[23]p.594
  • Kontar - "it cost sixty lidas of spice. Ninety kontars! (...) imagine such riches."[28]p.42 now a Kantar is an Egyption measure of weight of 99.05 pounds , a lida would be therefore 148.575 lb's ."that one and a half kontar once limited a camel load?"[28]p.42  On investigation i found that the small er camels can carry around 220 lbs , (this being the most common value stated ) , I could not find if this was Gross or net when cosidering some form of harness . However it dose seem that a Kontar is equivalent to a Kantar .
  • Kull wahad - "'I am profoundly stirred!' A sincere exclamation of surprise common in the Imperium, Strict interpretation depends on the context. (it is said of Muad'Dib' that once he watched a desert hawk chick emerge from its shell and whispered: ' Kull wahad!')" [23]p.594
  • Kulon - "wild-ass of Terra's Asiatic steppes adapted for Arrakis."[23]p.594
  • Kwisatz Haderach - "The Shortening of the Way." This is the label applied by the Bene Gesserit to the unknown for which the sought a genetic solution: a male Bene Gesserit whose organic mental powers would bridge space and time."[23]p.594 "And if he's really the Kwisatz Haderach . . . well . . ."[23]p.14 "It is said a man will come one day and find in the gift of the drug his inward eye. He will look where we cannot ,into both feminine and masculine pasts."[23]p.23"Many men have tried the drug ""but none has succeeded.""They tried and died."[23]p.23


- L -

  • La, la, la - "a Fremen cry of grief ("La" translates as ultimate denial, a “no” from which you cannot appeal.) "[23]p.595
  • Lady Jessica - Leto I's Concubine and Mother of Paul Ateides.See Also Ateides -Characters
  • Lasgun - "continuous wave laser projector. It use as a weapon is limited in a field generator shield culture because of the explosive pyrotechnics (technically, sub-atomic fusion) created when a beam weapon intersects a shield."[23]p.595 "lasguns were expensive and notoriously cranky of maintenance , and there was always the peril of explosive pyrotechnics if the laser beam intersected a hot shield"[23]p.85 "The white-hot beams of disruptive light could cut through any known substance, provided that substance was not shielded."[23]p.173 "the purple finger of a lasgun beam flicked" [23]p.253 we now have two colours for the laze guns, do the colours signify anything? beam intensity / power?
  • Laving Basin - "broad laving basins"[23]p.151 Laving = to wash, bath. 
  • Legion, imperial - " ten brigades.(about 30,000 men)"[23]p.595 "Five legions, fifty brigades! , attacking"[23]p.243
  • Leto I - Paul Atreides Farther .See Also Ateides -Characters
  • Leto II - Pauls Son.See Also Ateides -Characters
  • Liban - "Fremen liban is spice water infused with yucca flour. Originally a sour milk drink."[23]p.595
  • Lidas - "it cost sixty lidas of spice. Ninety kontars! There was a time when I could not even imagine such riches."[28]p.42 I could not find any meaning to Lidas that would implicate weight or value , the quote implies a lida is 1.5 Kontars.Kontars  i did find something. See Kontar.
  • lighter, Spacecraft - "at a viewport of the grounded lighter "[23]p.205 , this term can be used to describe a wide range of spaceships, with the base function of transport, weather that be from small spice lighters to troops and cargo even to the size of Capital ships. "levels of the frigate" [23]p.216 it appears that the Barons lighter was of frigate size. see frigate.
  • Lisan al-gaib - " The Voice from the Outer World".In Fremen messianic legends , an off-world prophet. Sometimes translated as ' Giver of water'" [23]p.595 see Mahdi
  • Literjon - " a one – litre container for transporting water on Arrakis; made of high-density, shatter-proof plastic with positive seal."[23]p.595
  • Little maker - "the half-plant-half-animal deep-sand vector of the Arrakis sandworm. The little makers excretions form the pre spice mass."[23]p.595 "You know the little makers are beginning to lose some of their water into the mass."[23]p.316 "the leathery half-plant, half-animal little makers"[23]p.316 ""wonder at the near-ideal nitrogen-oxygen-CO2 balance being maintained here in the absence of large areas of plant cover. (...) There is a gap in it? Then something occupies that gap. (...) I knew the little maker was there, deep in the sand, long before I ever saw it."[23]p.317 "Walled off from the little makers, hidden and preserved."[23]p.367 "I knew there was water far beneath our sand, held there in bondage by the Little Makers."[28]p.42 

- M -

  • Mahdi - "in the Fremen messianic legend, ' The one who will lead us to paradise'"[23]p.595
  • Maker – see Shai-Hulud."Maker, their word for worm,"[23]p.336
  • Maker Hook - "the hooks used for capturing, mounting and steering the Sandworm of Arrakis."[23]p.595 "the telescoping barbed sticks in their packs, the "maker hooks."[23]p.310 "The shafts were about a meter and a half long with glistening plasteel hoods at one end, roughened at the other end for a firm grip." [23]p.449
  • Mantene - "underlying wisdom, supporting argument, first principal (See Giudichar.)" [23]p.595
  • Marker - ""The marker for Jamis' coffee service," (...) lifted a flat disc of green metal."[23]p.595  did Jamis carry the marker or was it something added to the pile for the troop knew he had it?
  • Master of Arms - "my Master at Arms"[23]p.195 , the master of arms responsible for maintaining security, training and discipline.
  • Mating index - "the Bene Gesserit master record of its human breeding program aimed at producing the Kwisatz Haderach." [23]p.595
  • Maula - "Slave"[23]p.595
  • Maula pistol - "a spring-loaded gun for firing poison darts, with a range of about 40 metres"[23]p.595 "sharp spring-clicks (...) Projectiles whined off the rocks"[23]p.325 "your own maula pistol, lad, when you've earned it."[23]p.330
  • Medical - "They have no bone and organ banks here" [23]p.301
  • Mehdinate - Honerific title from the Fremen Mahdi , a title Alia took to help solidify her rule as regent.
  • Melange - "the 'spice of spices' the crop of which Arrakis is the unique source . The spice , chiefly noted for its geriatric qualities, is mildly addictive when taken in small quantities , severely addictive when imbibed in quantities above 2 grams daily per seventy kilos of body weight. (see Ibad, water of life, and Pre – spice Mass.) Muad'Dib claimed the spice as a key to his prophetic powers. Guild navigators make similar claims. Its price on the imperial market has ranged as high as 620,000 Solaris the decigram."[23]p.595
    "spice brings six hundred and twenty thousand Solaris the decagram on the open market right now."[23]p.81 1 Decagram = 10 grams. comment made first days on Arrakis by Yueh.
    "Can you remember your first taste of spice?", "It tasted like cinnamon.", "But never twice the same,""it presents a different face each time you take it. Some hold that the spice produces a learned-flavor reaction. The body, learning a thing is good for it, interprets the flavour as pleasurable, slightly euphoric."[23]p.81 "Spice is in everything here. You breathe it and eat it in almost everything. And I find that this imparts a certain natural immunity to some of the most common poisons of the Assassins' Handbook."[23]p.126 "And not a hint of melange in it. One gets so tired of the spice in everything."[23]p.126 again a statement indicating the prevalence of spice. ""The spice (...) It's in everything here, the air, the soil, the food. The geriatric spice. It's like the Truthsayer drug. It's a poison!"[23]p.229 "Spice," he said. "Its essence, highly alkaline. "[23]p.290 " a material whose psychic chemistry unravelled Time. Without melange, the Sisterhood's Reverend Mothers could not perform their feats of observation and human control. Without melange, the Guild's Steersmen could not navigate across space. Without melange, billions upon billions of Imperial citizens would die of addictive withdrawal. Without melange, Paul-Muad'dib could not prophesy."[28]p.8
  • Mentat - "that class of Imperial citizens trained for supreme accomplishments of logic. ' Human computers'"[23]p.595
  • Message Cylinder - "a message cylinder."" unrolled the cylinder and scanned it"[23]p.26
  • Metaglass - "glass grown as a high-temperature gas infusion in sheets of jasmium quartz. Noted for extreme tensile strength (about 450,000 kilos per square centimetre at two centimetres' thickness) and capacity as a selective radiation filter."[23]p.595. (equals 6,400,509.7 psi if my maths is right (probably not!) theoretical max strength for glass is 2,500,000 psi, typical strength is 1,000 psi)
  • Micromanual - "micromanual with glow-tab and magnifier. Green and orange letters leaped (...) from the pages:"[23]p224
  • Mihna - "the season for testing Fremen youths who wish admittance to manhood."[23]p.596
  • Miklos Atreides - Great-Great-Grandfather to Paul Atradies.
  • Minimic film- "shigawire of one-micron diameter often used to transmit espionage and counter-espionage data."[23]p.596 "the usual destruction capsule attached. We stopped the acid action just short of full erasure"[23]p.120
  • Mish-Mish - "apricots."[23]p.596
  • Misr - "the historical Zensunni (Fremen) term for themselves: 'The People.'"[23]p.596  ""We are the people of Misr,"[23]p.404 ""Since our Sunni ancestors fled from Nilotic al-Ourouba, we have known flight and death" [23]p.404 Misr -""Misr (...) is the Classical Quranic Arabic and modern official name of Egypt"[500]
  • Missionaria Protectiva - "the arm of the Bene Gesserit order charged with sowing infectious superstition on primitive worlds, thus opening those regions to exploration by the Bene Gesserit." [23]p.596 see Panoplia propheticus."
  • Molitor - "the feast celebrating the Molitor victory"[28]p.40
  • Monitor - "a ten-section space warcraft mounting heavy armour and shield protection. It is designed to be separated into its component sections for lift-off after planet-fall."[23]p.596
  • Mother Storm - "you two died in a Mother storm"[23]p.327indicating these storms are the largest known.
  • Muad'Dib- "the adapted kangaroo mouse of Arrakis, a creature associated in the Fremen earth-spirit mythology with a design visible on the planet's second moon. This creature was admired by Fremen for its ability to survive in the open desert."[23]p.596 "studied an illustrated constellation from the Arrakeen sky: "Muad'Dib: The Mouse," and noted that the tail pointed north."[23]p.166 Public Fremen name of Paul Atreides 
  • Mudir - ""You are mudir of the sandride this day," [23]p.467 Meaning – Director/Manager.[600]
  • Mudir nahya - "the Fremen name for Beast Rabban (Count Rabban of Lankiveil), the Harkonnen cousin who was siridar governor on Arrakis for many years. The name was often translated as "Demon Ruler."[23]p.596
  • Mushtamal - "a small garden annex or garden courtyard."[23]p.596
  • Musky - "poison in a drink."[23]p.596 (See Chaumurky.)
  • Mu zein wallah! - "Mu zein literally means "nothing good," and wallah is a reflexive terminal exclamation. In this traditional opening for a Fremen curse against an enemy, Wallah turns the emphasis back upon the words Mu zein, producing the meaning: "Nothing good, never good, good for nothing."[23]p.596

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