
The Encyclopedia will contain entries from all sources from the core books , the expanaded universe books and other sorces. 

- N -

  • Na - "a prefix meaning, nominated, or, next in line,. Thus na-Baron means heir apparent to a barony."[23]p.596 see Heir- Designate ""you know, don't you, that the Emperor has not given official sanction to your choice of heir?"[23]p.380 "The Emperor promised me free choice of heir!" the Baron grated."[23]p.380
  • Naib - "one who has sworn never to be taken alive by the enemy; traditional oath of a Fremen leader"[23]p.596
  • Narcal - "the tumble at Narcal ", [23]p.189 , no evidence to indicate if this is a place or a planet though one site has it listed as a planet.
  • Navigation Markers - "Storms, sand-static (...) Navigation markers are knocked out faster than they can be installed."[23]p.375
  • Neuro-enticement - "her training obviously had included neuro-enticement"[23]p.303 no information.
  • Nezhoni scarf - "a scarf-pad worn at the forehead beneath the stillsuit hood by married or 'associated ' Fremen women after birth of a son."[23]p.596
  • Nilotic al-Ourouba - "ancestors fled from Nilotic al-Ourouba, "[23]p.404 Nilotic refers to "relating to the River Nile or to the Nile region of Africa." [500] al-Ourouba as far as i can means ' the Region, so they " fled from the Region of the Nile " which could encompass quite a large area.
  • Noukkers - "officers of the Imperial bodyguard who are related to the Emperor by blood. Traditional rank for sons of the royal concubines."[23]p.596

- O -

  • Oil lens - "hufuf oil held in static tension in an enclosing force field, within a viewing tube as part of a magnifying or other light manipulation system. Because each lens element can be adjusted individually one micron at a time, the oil lens is considered the ultimate in accuracy for manipulating visible light."[23]p.597
  • Old Duke - Paternal Grandfather of PAul Atreides. See Also Ateides -Characters
  • Opafire - "one of the rare opaline jewels of Hagal."[23]p.597
  • Orange Catholic Bible - "the "Accumulated Book," the religious text produced by the Commission of Ecumenical Translators. It contains elements of most ancient religions, including the Maometh Saari, Mahayana Christianity, Zensunni Catholicism and Buddislamic traditions. Its supreme commandment is considered to be: "Thou shall not disfigure the soul."[23]p.597
    O.C Quote "Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man's mind "[23]p.23
  • Ornithopter (commonly 'thopter') - "any aircraft capable of sustained wing-beat flight in the manner of birds."[23]p.597 "These 'thopters are fairly conventional (...) Major modifications give them extended range. Extra care has been used in sealing essential areas against sand and dust. Only about one in thirty is shielded, possibly discarding the shield generator's weight for greater range." [23]p.109 "ornithopter squatted nearby, humming softly on standby like a somnolent insect" [23]p.128 "I'll fly my own 'thopter. Kynes can sit up front with me to direct me. You and Paul take the rear seats." "[23]p.131 "fastened his safety harness""he sensation of filtered and washed air in his lungs as doors slammed and vent fans whirred alive."[23]p.133"wings feathered tightly and after-jets thrusting them upward in a steep, hissing climb"[23]p.134 "bought up a microphone (...) thumbed it to life (...) Object examined under full amplification. It's a large bird." [23]p.138, seems ornithopter's can be equipped with long range sensors with some degree of amplification."from their two thousand meters' altitude,"[23]p.138, this is in relation to a small 4 man ornithopter."Duke kicked on the jet brakes. The ship bucked as its tail pods whispered to silence. Stub wings elongated, cupped the air. The craft became a full 'thopter as the Duke banked it, holding the wings to a gentle beat"[23]p.141 "grabbed the microphone from the panel, punched out a new frequency selection. Glancing at the grid chart on rollers over their heads![23]p.142" "Our ships are larger. We can crowd in three extra each. Their spotters ought to be able to lift off two each."[23]p.144, 4 seater ornithopter can carry up to 7 , but would require throwing out some equipment, the smaller spotter craft can hold crew +2 the dukes ship took 4 as it had more power, indicates a certain level of customization.""This ship has more power than the others."[23]p.145 "You waste fuel here,"[23]p.149 " inside at the green gloom illuminated by the instrument pane (...) one of them little liaison jobs. Ain't room in there for more'n them an' two of us."[23]p.197 "This ship's proximity masked (...) Instrument panel has remote door control, light control"[23]p.264 "The wings were at full spread-rest, their delicate metal inter-leavings extended. He touched the retractor bar, watched the wings shorten for jet-boost take-off "[23]p.265 ""Shell-burst! (...) some kind of projectile weapon."[23]p.266 "and out onto the 'thopter's metal skin"[23]p.282 " captured ornithopter's. (...) We do not have full control of the air,(...) And we must not become dependent upon off-world fuel."[23]p.489
  • Out-freyn - "Galach for "immediately foreign," that is: not of your immediate community, not of the select." [23]p.597

- P -

  • Pain Amplifiers - "grovel in Piter's pain amplifiers"[23]p.207, no further information, i imagine these devices to be based on a similar technology to that the Bene Gesserit use in the testing box they use, pain through nerve induction. Though i do also get an image from a Babylon 5 episode were G'kar has some on him.
  • Paulus Atreides - 19th Duke of Caladan , Father to Leto Atriedes.
  • Palm lock - "any lock or seal which may be opened on contact with the palm of the human hand to which it has been keyed."[23]p.597 "A palm lock must be keyed to one individual's hand shape and palm lines. .. And there were ways to open any palm lock as she had learned at school"[23]p.87
  • Palmaries - "up from the palmaries of the deep south."[23]p.442 palmarie is singular for palmarius which is 'of or pertaining to palm trees.'
  • Pan - "on Arrakis, any low-lying region or depression created by the subsiding of the underlying basement complex. (On planets with sufficient water, a pan indicated a region once covered by open water. Arrakis was believed to have at least one such area, although this remained open to argument.)"[23]p.597, "the people of the graben, the sink, and the pan." [23]p.53 , in relation to populations , pan's obviously can support habitations.
  • Panoplia Propheticus - "term covering the infectious superstitions used by the Bene Gesserit to exploit primitive regions" see Missionaria Protectiva.)"[23]p.597
  • Paracompass - "any compass that determined direction by local magnetic anomaly; used where relevant charts are available and where a planet's total magnetic field was unstable or subject to masking by severe magnetic storms."[23]p.597 "Its power pack is acid-base."[23]p.290
  • Parsec - "if this was why you came all those parsecs, risked so much?"[28]p.13 approximately 3.26 light years.
  • Pea Sand - "Across pea sand that rolled under their feet:"[23]p.306
  • Pellet Stunners - "the slow pellet stunners"[23]p.46 , designed to be used against shields.
  • Pentashield - " a five-layer shield-generator field suitable for small areas such as doorways or passages (large reinforcing shields become increasingly unstable with each successive layer) and virtually impassable to anyone not wearing a dissembler tuned to the shield codes. (See Prudence Door.)"[23]p.597
  • Phosphor-tubes - "Phosphor-tubes in the faraway upper reaches of the cavern cast a dim light"[23]p.400
  • Pillars of the Universe – Holy book of Paul Muad'Dib's religion "This Fremen religious adaptation, then, is the source of what we now recognize as the pillars of the Universe"[23]p.313
  • Plasmeld - "blank faces of dun plasmeld broken by dark shadows of sealed doorways"[28]p.37
  • Plasteel - "steel which has been stabilized with stravidium fibers grown into its crystal structure."[23]p.597"This door should hold for at least twenty minutes against all but a lasgun."[23]p.262 in reference to a plasteel door, no idea on thickness, however considering the context of this quote I am happy to assume its also a security door level instillation.
  • Plastone - "Oily marks lay congealed on the plastone floor where the rug had been."[28]p.29
  • Plaster Basin - "killed in the cave-in at Plaster Basin"[23]p.314
  • Pleniscenta - "an exotic green bloom of Ecaz noted for its sweet aroma."[23]p.597
  • Pogrom - "Sardaukar raging off their planet to spread pogrom on Arrakis"[23]p.416 "an act of organized cruel behaviour or killing that is done to a large group of people because of their race or religion:" [501]
  • Poisons - "Musky, to be poisoned in your drink. Aumas, to be poisoned in your food."[23]p.19
  • Poison Snoopers - "Hawat already has our own poison snooper over the dining table", "There's a portable in your room." [23]p.65 "The thing's sensor arms hung limply over the table, reminding Paul of some weird insect newly dead."[23]p.124 " the unobtrusive inspections with tiny remote-cast snoopers"[23]p.153"poison-snooper mounted beneath the table waved its insect arms over the food"[28]p.26
  • Poling the sand - "the art of placing plastic and fiber poles in the open desert wastes of Arrakis and reading the patterns etched on the poles by sandstorms as a clue to weather prediction."[23]p.597 "I like the certainty of polling the weather."[23]p.517
  • Poritrin - "third planet of Epsilon Alangue, considered by many Zensunni Wanderers as their planet of origin, although clues in their language and mythology show far more ancient planetary roots."[23]p.598
  • Portyguls - "oranges."[23]p.598
  • Povity Grass - "poverty grass with peat-like hair cilia to intertwine, mat and fix the dunes"[23]p.570
  • Prana - "(Prana-musculature): the body's muscles when considered as units for ultimate training."[23]p.598(see Bindu.) "body's prana-musculature."[23]p.295
  • Pre-spice mass - "the stage of fungusoid wild growth achieved when water is flooded into the excretions of Little Makers. At this stage, the spice of Arrakis forms a characteristic "blow," exchanging the material from deep underground for the matter on the surface above it. This mass, after exposure to sun and air, became melange "[23]p.598(See also Melange and Water of Life.) "A maker's sure to come when this bubble bursts."[23]p.317 "Water so near, only a hundred meters or so beneath him;"[23]p.317 "came the smell of a pre-spice mass, the mass they had detected off to the north-east, and that told them there would be a maker near by" [23]p.444
  • Prescience - "The phenomenon of prescience is poorly understood even by its initiates,""I am a full Guild Navigator and have the Power," "because of Edric here, your husband's oracular sight cannot stumble upon certain incidents, including this one . . . presumably." [28]p.13 "There are people and things in our universe which I know only by their effects,(...)I know they have been here . .. there . . . somewhere. As water creatures stir up the currents in their passage, so the prescient stir up Time. (...) seen where your husband has been; never have I seen him nor the people who truly share his aims and loyalties. This is the concealment which an adept gives to those who are his."[28]p.14
  • Proces verbal - "a semiformal report alleging a crime against the Imperium. Legally: an action falling between a loose verbal allegation and a formal charge of crime."[23]p.598 "Process verbal! That was a report of a crime against the Imperium!"[23]p.380
  • Proctor superior - "a Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother who is also regional director of a B.G. school. (Commonly: Bene Gesserit with the Sight.)"[23]p.598, "Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, Proctor Superior of the Bene Gesserit school on Wallach IX"[23]p.33
  • Projecto – Stylus -"a projecto-stylus in one hand. (...) The woman pointed to the designs one after the other as fast as she could move the stylus"[23]p.399 some form of Laser pointer?
  • Proximity detector - "glanced at the proximity detector"[23]p.237, wonder if this works off "micro changes in air density".. "the field-generator equipment is not working. I am unable to mask us from proximity detectors."[23]p.258 Interesting to note that proximity detectors can be fooled.
  • Prudence-door or Prudence barrier - "(idiomatically: pru-door or pru-barrier): any pentashield situated for the escape of selected persons under conditions of pursuit." [23]p.598 (see Pentashield.)
  • Pundi Rice - " a mutated rice whose grains, high in natural sugar, achieve lengths up to four centimetres; chief export of Caladan." [23]p.598
  • Pyons - "planet-bound peasants or labourers, one of the base classes under the Faufreluches. Legally: wards of the planet."[23]p.598
  • Pyretic consciense - "so-called "conscience of fire"; that inhibitory level touched by Imperial conditioning." [23]p.598(See Imperial conditioning.) "an override on my pyretic conscience,"[23]p.189, comment by Yueh on his own broken conditioning.

- Q -

  • Qanat - "an open canal for carrying irrigation water under controlled conditions through a desert."[23]p.598
  • Qirtaiba – see Ibn Qirtaiba
  • Qizara tafwid - "Fremen Priests, after Paul Muad'Dib"[23]p.598
  • Qizarate – Clergymen of the Religion of Paul Muad'dib, 'The Golden Elixir'" Muad'dib's Qizarate missionaries carried their religious war across space"[28]p.8   "You're not divines, you're god's spies." [28]p.48

- R -

  • Rachag - "a caffeine-type stimulant from the yellow berries of the Akarso."[23]p.598(see Akarso)
  • Radiograph - "I'll radiograph it in code " [23]p.94 presumably a version of a modern day radio system.
  • Rapier - "lined them up, the rapiers"[23]p.46 a rapier is a long-bladed slender two edged sword, characterised with having a protective hilt for the hand.
  • Ramadhan - "ancient religious period marked by fasting and prayer; traditionally, the ninth month of the solar-lunar calendar. Fremen mark the observance according to the ninth meridian-crossing cycle of the first moon."[23]p.599
  • Razzia - "a semi-piratical guerrilla raid."[23]p.599 "a hostile raid for purposes of conquest, plunder, and capture of slaves, especially one carried out by Moors in North Africa." [500]
  • Rebec - "a bowed stringed instrument of the Medieval era and the early Renaissance , having 1 to 5 strings"[28]p.36
  • Recaths - "body-function tubes linking the human waste disposal system to the cycling filters of a stillsuit."[23]p.599
  • Repkits - " repair and replacement essentials for a stillsuit."[23]p.599
  • Reclamation room - "There is a reclamation chamber off the other room" [23]p.400 toilet?
  • Relief Globe – A decorative representation of a Planet on that can spin."a relief globe of a world""Latitude and longitude lines were laid in with hair-fine platinum wire. The polar caps were insets of finest cloud-milk diamonds."[23]p.25
  • Renegade House - "a place of safety outside the System. Others in like circumstances have become renegade Houses, taking family atomics and shields and fleeing beyond the Imperium." [23]p.29, if a house wishes to flee the imperium it goes renegade. this statement also shows us the imperium is not all encompassing that there is a finite reach to its control and influence , also the fact this would require the spacing guild indicates the delicate path the guild treads between being a part of the imperium yet also acting outside of it and what's more interesting yet is everyone knows it. The statement mentions, System. I feel in this case systems referring to the whole imperial system.
  • Residual poison - "an innovation attributed to the Mentat Piter de Vries whereby the body is impregnated with a substance for which repeated antidotes must be administered. Withdrawal of the antidote at any time brings death."[23]p.599 "never suspect. The antidote will not betray itself to a poison snooper."[23]p.272
  • Reverend Mother - "originally, a proctor of the Bene Gesserit, one who has transformed an "illuminating poison" within her body, raising herself to a higher state of awareness. Title adopted by Fremen for their own religious leaders who accomplished a similar "illumination." [23]p.599 (See also Bene Gesserit and Water of Life.)
  • Richese - "fourth planet of Eridani A, classed with Ix as supreme in machine culture. Noted for miniaturization. (For a detailed study on how Richese and lx escaped the more severe effects of the Butlerian Jihad, see The Last Jihad by Sumer and Kautman.)"[23]p.599
  • Rimwall - "second upper Step of the protecting bluffs on the Shield Wall of Arrakis.(see Shield Wall)"[23]p.599
  • Ritual Challenge - "in ritual challenge: "May thy knife chip and shatter!""[23]p.348
  • Rock plug - "removed a rock plug that opened a passage down"[23]p.256, this stament was followed by "A camouflage cover was rigged for the opening." ,[23]p.256 this suggests that the rock plug is a long term method for sealing and hiding the entrance , while the cover is a temporary one allowing for quicker and easier access.
  • Ruh-spirit - "in Fremen belief, that part of the individual which is always rooted in (and capable of sensing) the metaphysical world. (See Alam al-Mithal.)"[23]p.599

- S -

  • Sadus - "judges. The Fremen title refers to holy judges, equivalent to saints."[23]p.599
  • Salusa Secundus - "third planet of Gamma Waiping; designated Imperial Prison Planet after removal of the Royal Court to Kaitain. Salusa Secundus is home-world of House Corrino, and the second stopping point in migrations of the Wandering Zensunni. Fremen tradition says they were slaves on S.S. for nine generations."[23]p.599
  • Sandcrawler - "general term for machinery designed to operate on the Arrakis surface in hunting and collecting melange."[23]p.599 "One of your factory crawlers,"[23]p.141, used by Kynes, slang or just a variation? "the cloud is vented sand being expelled after the spice has been centrifugally removed"[23]p.141
  • Sand dunes - "Coarse grains are found on the downwind sides of dunes. The windward side is packed smooth and hard. Old dunes are yellow (oxidized), young dunes are the colour of the parent rock, usually gray."[23]p.570
  • Sandmaster - "general superintendent of spice operation."[23]p.599
  • Sandrider - "Fremen term for one who is capable of capturing and riding a sandworm."[23]p.599
  • Sandsnork - "breathing device for pumping surface air into a sand-covered still-tent."[23]p.599
  • Sandtide - "idiomatic for a dust tide: the variation in level within certain dust-filled basins on Arrakis due to gravitational effects of sun and satellites. "[23]p.600(see Tidal Dust Basin.)
  • Sandtrout- "a fictional "sandtrout" in Fremen folk stories"[23]p.569
  • Sandwalker - "any Fremen trained to survive in the open desert."[23]p.600
  • Sand-walking - "onto the windward face of the dune, following the curve of it, moved with a dragging pace.(...) must sound like the natural shifting of sand . . . like the wind. (...) broken pattern: Step . . . drag . . . drag . . . step . . . step . . . wait . . . drag . . . step . . ."[23]p.306 " they had reached an unmarked point where the two rock faces, the one ahead and the one behind, appeared equally remote."[23]p.306"some four kilometres away"[23]p.293 sand-walking apx 2km in 45 minutes.(45 = 30 minutes for timer +15 for min time for a worm to get you if its hunting you (fastest time), ref Kynes), so were looking around 2.67km per hour sand-walking (this is a very rough estimate) normal walking for people Paul's and Jessica's age would be around 4.54 km per hour.
  • Sandworm - "See Shai-Hulud.
  • Sapho - "High-energy liquid extracted from barrier roots of Ecaz, commonly used by Mentat’s to amplify their mental powers. Users developed deep ruby stains on mouth and lips."[23]p.600
  • Sardaukar - "the soldier-fanatics of the Padishah Emperor. They were men from an environmental background of such ferocity that it killed six out of thirteen persons before the age of eleven. Their military training emphasized ruthlessness and a near-suicidal disregard for personal safety. They were taught from infancy to use cruelty as a standard weapon, weakening opponents with terror. At the apex of their sway over the affairs of the Universe, their swordsmanship was said to match that of the Ginaz tenth level and their cunning abilities at in-fighting were reputed to approach those of a Bene Gesserit adept. Any one of them was rated a match for any ten ordinary Landsraad military conscripts. By the time of Shaddam IV, while they were still formidable, their strength had been sapped by overconfidence, and the sustaining mystique of their warrior religion had been deeply undermined by cynicism."[23]p.600 ""The Sardaukar are excellent fighting men, no doubt of it,(...) But I think my own legions.. (...) A pack of holiday excursionists by comparison!" the baron and Hawat talking.
  • Sarfa - "the act of turning away from God."[23]p.600
  • Sayyadina - "feminine acolyte in the Fremen religious hierarchy."[23]p.600 "The Sayyadina, (...) Our Reverend Mother is old." [23]p.337 ""the Sayyadina, when they are not the formal leaders, hold a special place of honour. They teach. They maintain the strength of God here." [23]p.338
  • Schlag - "animal native to Tupile once hunted almost to extinction for its thin, tough hide."[23]p.600
  • Schools – various factions developed schools to help train human talents , only two schools from the time of the great revolt still exist The Bene Gesserit and Spacing Guild, with the Gesserit focusing on politics and the guild is believed to be Mathematics."two chief survivors of those ancient schools: the Bene Gesserit and the Spacing Guild. The Guild, so we think, emphasizes almost pure mathematics. Bene Gesserit performs another function." "Politics,"[23]p.22
  • Scout Ship – a type of space ship, seen used on the attack on dune.[23]p.244
  • Second moon - " the smaller of the two satellites of Arrakis, noteworthy for the kangaroo mouse figure in its surface markings."[23]p.600
  • Second Zone - "Men have walked out of the second zone several times."[23]p.138, i have not found any information on this yet. my thoughts on this are this is a zone between the deep desert and the first zone, taking inspiration from the world map we have, this second zone would start at 60deg lat and would stop at the latitude thats just below and encompasses the worm line and the polar cap. This second zone would then contain the major settlements, pyron villages and a significant number of sietchies. This is just speculation on my part, but also feels right as this statement came from Kynes who's as scientist so dividing areas into zones, esp zones that would reflect different degrees of moisture / life and sandworm activity.
  • Security - "Hawat's men already had been over it, checking, making it safe for a duke's heir. The subtle code signs were all around."[23]p.46 , security for the great houses is a primary concern , even from this statement in a home occupied for generations the security team leave signs that's everything is OK.
  • Selamlik - "Imperial audience chamber."[23]p.600
  • Semuta - "the second narcotic derivative (by crystal extraction) from the burned residue of Elacca wood from Ecaz. The effect (described as timeless, sustained ecstasy) is elicited by certain atonal vibrations referred to as semuta music."[23]p.600 "was addicted to semuta, the drug-music combination that played itself in the deepest consciousness."[23]p.216 "deep within the drug's rapture (...) had stopped only to take the antidote before rushing here."[23]p.268
  • Servok - "clock-set mechanism to perform simple tasks; one of the limited “automatic” devices permitted after the Butlerian Jihad."[23]p.600
  • Seal - "The note was under the Baron's own seal and I've authenticated the seal."[23]p.121 , Leto also had his signet ring with his seal on it, these seals are important for providing proof / authorisation of the highest kind within a house. see signet ring
  • Shadout - "well-dipper", a Fremen honorific title."[23]p.600, "a meaning with rather important overtones here"[23]p.66 , "I recognized the word. It's a very ancient word."[23]p.69
  • Shah-Nama- "the half-legendary First Book of the Zensunni Wanderers."[23]p.600
  • Shai-Hulud - "Sandworm of Arrakis, the "Old Man of the Desert," "Old Father Eternity," and "Grandfather of the Desert." Significantly, this name, when referred to in a certain tone or written with capital letters, designates the earth deity of Fremen hearth superstitions. Sandworms grow to enormous size (specimens longer than 400 meters have been seen in the deep desert) and live to great age unless slain by one of their fellows or drowned in water, which is poisonous to them. Most of the sand on Arrakis is credited to sandworm action. (See Little Maker.)"[23]p.600 ,"a small specimen, only one hundred and ten meters long and twenty-two meters in diameter.. in the northern latitudes. Worms of more than four hundred meters in length have been recorded... and there's reason to believe even larger ones exist."[23]p.54 see Sandworms Page "they credit to Shai-hulud, Old Father Eternity,"[23]p.160 ""It's bigger than a Guild spaceship,"[23]p.283 ""I've seen space frigates that were smaller,"[23]p.295 "Its great teeth within the cavern-circle of its mouth spread like some enormous flower. The spice odour from it dominated the air."[23]p.463 "sand-clouded curving wall, that segmented cliff, the ring lines sharply defined in it."[23]p.464"They rode at last in a triple line behind him, steadied against their hooks."[23]p.464 "the scaled ring surface on which they stood, noted the character and size of the scales, the way they grew larger off to his right, smaller to his left. Every worm, he knew, moved characteristically with one side up more frequently. As it grew older, the characteristic up-side became an almost constant thing. Bottom scales grew larger, heavier, smoother. Top scales could be told by size alone on a big worm."[23]p.465 "There would be a small shai-hulud in this place, a creature no more than nine meters long, kept stunted and trapped by surrounding water ditches. The maker, after emerging from its little maker vector, avoided water for the poison it was. And the drowning of a maker was the greatest Fremen secret because it produced the substance of their union, the Water of Life, the poison that could only be changed by a Reverend Mother"[23]p.503
  • Shaitan - "I made a shaitan's bargain with the Baron"[23]p.190 , Islamic name for an evil spirit, in dune a Fremen term for an embodiment of evil such as devil or demon.  "Satan."[23]p.600
  • Shari-a - "that part of the panoplia propheticus which sets forth the superstitious ritual."[23]p.600 (See Missionaria Protectiva.)
  • Shield Belt - "the shield belts."[23]p.47 , Standard way to have a shield generator on your person."snapped the force button at his waist, felt the crinkled-skin tingling of the defensive field at his forehead and down his back, heard external sounds take on characteristic shield-filtered flatness. "In shield fighting, one moves fast on defense, slow on attack,"[23]p.48 "the field crackling as shield edges touched and repelled each other"."air within their shield bubbles grew stale from the demands on it that the slow interchange along barrier edges could not replenish. With each new shield contact, the smell of ozone grew stronger."[23]p.49 "" A body-size shield will call every worm for hundreds of meters around. It appears to drive them into a killing frenzy."[23]p.108 "the faint air-distortion of a shield around him"[23]p.128 "almost activated his shield, but refrained because that would limit his movements, his hearing"[23]p.187 "His shield had been activated, set low but still enough to slow molecular interchange across the field barrier"[23]p.215 "the red belt of a semi-shield, the belt's arrow pointing left to indicate the slave's left side was shielded."[23]p.382
  • Shield, defensive - "the protective field produced by a Holtzman generator. This field derives from Phase One of the Suspensor-nullification effect. A shield will permit entry only to objects moving at slow speeds (depending on setting, this speed ranges from six to nine centimetres per second) and can be shorted out only by a shire-sized electric field."[23]p.601 (See Lasgun.)"your shield at full charge."[23]p.46, any information on how quickly personal shields do loose power?
  • Shieldwall - "a mountainous geographic feature in the northern reaches of Arrakis which protects a small area from the full force of the planet's Coriolis storms.[23]p.601
  • Shigawire - "metallic extrusion of a ground vine. (Narvi narviium) grown only on Salusa Secundus and III Delta Kaising. It is noted for extreme tensile strength."[23]p.601
  • Sietch - "Fremen: "Place of assembly in time of danger. "Because the Fremen lived so long in peril, the term came by general usage to designate any cave warren inhabited by one of their tribal communities."[23]p.601 ""Sietch Tabr" (...) the notation: "Stilgar." [23]p.329 "sietch. It was a Chakobsa word, unchanged from the old hunting language out of countless centuries. Sietch: a meeting place in time of danger."[23]p.332 "He felt a soft breeze from an air duct, saw the outlet cunningly hidden in a pattern of hangings directly ahead of him."  [23]p.400 some form of air con? sietch Tabr - "this rock-enclosed space (...) estimated there were more than five thousand people gathered out there (...) And more were coming."[23]p.402
  • Sief – a long, narrow sand dune or chain of dunes, generally oriented in a direction parallel to the prevailing wind
  • Sign of the fist at his ear - "She is a Bene Gesserit witch,(...) They have powers. (...) The litter-bearer made the sign of the fist at his ear." [23]p.197, as this sign is made to a deaf person this could be sign language for a Bene Gesserit, or just a common sign for them.
  • Signet Ring - "They've the ducal signet and the guard has identified them"[23]p.88 , the ducal signet ring is an important item used to identify the bearer as the duke or on the dukes busness and also to seal important documents ( message tubes) in the manner of a seal and wax.
  • Sihaya - "You are Sihaya," he said, "the desert spring."[23]p.415 "Fremen: the desert springtime with religious overtones implying the time of fruitfulness and "the paradise to come."[23]p.601 "Sihaya," Paul said, using his intimate name for her."[23]p.488 Paul's name for Chani, though i have read an unconfirmed passage that says this was Chani's secret name in the tribe, like Usul was for Paul. However the second quote throws this into question , you would not use her secret name as an intimate name as well.""Not so, Sihaya, my desert springtime"[28]p.27
  • Sink - "A habitable lowland area on Arrakis surrounded by high ground that protects it from the prevailing storms."[23]p.601
  • Sinkchart - "a map of the Arrakis surface laid out with reference to the most reliable Paracompass routes between places of refuge."[23]p.601 (See Paracompass.)
  • Sip well - "A sip-well is a form of soak where a person draws water through a straw"[23]p.172
  • Sirat - "the passage in the O.C. Bible that describes human life as a journey across a narrow bridge (the Sirat) with “Paradise on my right, Hell on my left, and the angel of death behind."[23]p.601
  • Siridar – is a Galach word meaning Planetary, Galach being the imperial official language. The word siridar is also used in front of a title to denote one who also governs, "laid to the Siridar-Baron, Vladimir Harkonnen."[23]p.584
  • Sirra – a form of address used by the Tleilaxu, implying inferiority in the person addressed. used [23]p.20 unconfirmed definition [100]
  • Slavery – slavery is legal in the time of Dune "slave-concubine to my father"[23]p.302
  • Slip-tip - "any thin, short blade (often poison-tipped) for left-hand use in shield fighting."[23]p.601, p.47
  • Solido - "Three-dimensional image generated from a Solido projector using 360-degree reference signals imprinted on a shigawire reel."[23]p.601 "A solido tri-D projection appeared on the table"[23]p.107
  • Snooper, poison - "Radiation analyser within the olfactory spectrum and keyed to detect poisonous substances."[23]p.601
  • Soak - "A soak is a place where water seeps to the surface or near enough to the surface to be found by digging according to certain signs." [23]p.172
  • Solari - "official monetary unit of the Imperium, its purchasing power set at quatricentennial negotiations between the Guild, the Landsraad, and the Emperor."[23]p.601 atm no information on how much 1 solari could buy you.
  • Sondagi - "a fern tulip of Tupali."[23]p.601
  • Sonic probes - "used sonic probes"[23]p.93, a device that can scan through building structures to revel what's behind walls, the case here was the failed detection of a Harkonnen operative that was hiding inside a cairn in the cellar.
  • Soo-soo sook! - "water-seller's cry on Arrakis. Sook is a market place." [23]p.602 (See Ikhut-eigh!)
  • Sook – Market Place.
  • Soporific - "They'd been prepared with soporific on a blade. A soporific. Nothing to alert a poison snooper, but strong enough to slow the muscles it touched."[23]p.557 "tending to induce drowsiness or sleep."[500] might need to consult medical, i do not see how something that induces sleep would slow muscles directly.
  • Spaceships - "They must knock the nose off every one of those ships "[23]p.521
  • Spacing Guild – see Guild.
  • Spacing Guild Liner - "the entire household of the Duke Leto will embark on a Spacing Guild liner "[23]p.29, these ships are huge the entire household also refers to the guards , armies and equipment of a great house.
  • Spannungsbogen - "quality the ancients called "spannungsbogen", which is the self-imposed delay between desire for a thing and the act of reaching out to grasp that thing."[23]p.333
  • Spice – see Melange.
  • Spice Beer - "Too much spice beer,"[23]p.175
  • Spice Blow - "Somewhere beneath him, the pre-spice mass had accumulated enough water and organic matter from the little makers, had reached the critical stage of wild growth. A gigantic bubble of carbon dioxide was forming deep in the sand, heaving upward in an enormous "blow" with a dust whirlpool at its center. It would exchange what had been formed deep in the sand for whatever lay on the surface."[23]p.320
  • Spice Coffee - ""Spice coffee in my quarters"[23]p.175
  • Spice Driver - "any Dune man who controls and directs movable machinery on the desert surface of Arrakis."[23]p.602
  • Spice Essence - "spilled unchanged spice essence and left it to combine there with a spice-based rug. It had not been a felicitous combination. Spice essence had dissolved the rug. Oily marks lay congealed on the plastone floor where the rug had been."[28]p.29
  • Spice Explosives - "you do much working with the spice . . .and isn't that chemical explosives?"[23]p.393
  • Spice Factory - "any Sandcrawler."[23]p.602
  • Spice Hunter - "some of the trained spice hunters"[23]p.67 , people employed in spice mining, with the change of fief they had the option of leaving some 800 souls."About eight hundred trained hands expect to go"[23]p.67 "spice drivers, weather scanners, dune men"[23]p.10
  • Spice Liquor - " jewellery for the Lady Jessica, spice liquor, "[23]p.104
  • Spice Paper - "the crinkling of the spice paper there"[23]p.205 "you do much working with the spice . . . you make paper"[23]p.393
  • Spice Plastics - " I see you do much working with the spice . . . (...) plastics"[23]p.393
  • Spice Residue - " spice residue as raw material and already have our own factory to manufacture film-base?"[23]p.126
  • Splintered rock - "Two battle groups at Splintered Rock."[23]p.243 location on dune that was worthy of have two battle groups attack it.
  • Spotter control - "the light Ornithopter in a spice-hunting group charged with control of watch and protection."[23]p.602 "Our ships are larger. We can crowd in three extra each. Their spotters ought to be able to lift off two each." [23]p.144 , Spotter ornithopter's are smaller
  • St Augustine - "St. Augustine said? she asked herself. "The mind commands the body and it obeys. The mind orders itself and meets resistance."[23]P.69, St Augustine of Hippo, born 354AD, Bishop of Hippo Regius in Numidia, North Africa. Its interesting that information from old earth still exists after all the turmoil and the vast passage of time since. How much actually survived? is it still accurate or has it been corrupted? and if so how badly.
  • Standard Day - "In a few days Standard"[23]p.30 , atm there is no reference to this duration, is this a universal day or specific planetary day? "every three hundred and thirty Standard days."[23]p.105 , this is a reference to dune, making me feel that the term Standard is a reference to local situation not a universal measurement. a standard day on dune would be different to a standard day on Giedi prime, it also would have made life easer for Frank Herbert to use this than try and define every planets calendar.
  • Standard kilo -"might weigh two hundred Standard kilos"[23]p.33, atm there is no reference to this mass , ill assume though its the same as an earth kilo which at this time is defined by a rather precise scientific formula, which i believe will be constant throughout the universe.
  • Standard Year - "sub-fief on Arrakis within a Standard year."[23]p.32 , atm there is no reference to this duration, is this a universal year or specific planetary year?
  • Static compaction tool - "static compaction tool, A hole grew in the sand-wall as the tool realigned the grains."[23]p.240
  • Stillsuit - "body-enclosing garment invented on Arrakis. Its fabric is a micro-sandwich performing functions of heat dissipation and filter for bodily wastes. Reclaimed moisture is made available by tube from catch-pockets."[23]p.602" And they stink to heaven in any closed space. It's from those suits they wear "[23]p.43
    "a micro-sandwich, a high-efficiency filter and heat-exchange system(...) The skin-contact layer's porous. Perspiration passes through it, having cooled the body ... near-normal evaporation process. The next two layers (...) include heat exchange filaments and salt precipitators. Salt's reclaimed (...) Motions of the body, especially breathing (...) and some osmotic action provide the pumping force (...) Reclaimed water circulates to catch-pockets from which you draw it through this tube in the clip at your neck.(...) Urine and feces are processed in the thigh pads (...) In the open desert, you wear this filter across your face, this tube in the nostrils with these plugs to insure a tight fit. Breathe in through the mouth filter, out through the nose tube. With a Fremen suit in good working order, you won't lose more than a thimbleful of moisture a day, even if you're caught in the Great Erg."[23]p.132 "You can wear suit gloves if you're not using your hands for critical work (...) Fremen in the open desert rub their hands with juice from the leaves of the creosote bush. It inhibits perspiration." [23]p.134 "his stillsuit hood adjusted for the open desert, forehead capped, mouth filter in place, nose plugs adjusted. Only his dark eyes were visible"[23]p.239 "She uncapped the tube to her still-suit's catch-pockets, sipped at it."[23]p.311 "to fasten the boots slip-fashion to help my still-suit's pumping action"[23]p.343 "the slick greyness of an issue stillsuit, the type the smugglers traded for among the sietch warrens."[23]p.500"They smelled rancid from the lubricant which eased the action of the heel-powered pumps that drove his stillsuit."[28]p.23"Foot traffic had churned it into choking dust which clogged stillsuit Filters."[28]p.24
  • Stilltent - "small, scalable enclosure of micro-sandwich fabric designed to reclaim as potable water the ambient moisture discharged within it by the breath of its occupants."[23]p.602 "a small fabric and plastic hutment, a still-tent"[23]p.219 hutment refers mainly to a military hut(s),"stared out the transparent end of the still-tent at the moon-shadowed rocks"[23]p.219 "felt the sphincter-seal of the tent's entrance"[23]p.223
  • Storm – see Coriolis storm."Static electricity from sandstorms masks out many signals. Transmitters short out."[23]p.140 " dive into the top of it, ride with it. (...) stealing 'thopters. If you stay high in the storm you'll survive."[23]p.263
  • Stone Burner - "" a stone burner (...) Cursed atomics! Even the stone burner should be outlawed(...)It skirts the intent of the law,"[28]p.40
  • Stravidium fibers – no information.
  • Stunner - "slow-pellet projectile weapon throwing a poison- or drug-tipped dart. Effectiveness limited by variations in shield settings and relative motion between target and projectile."[23]p.602
  • Subakh ul kuhar - "Are you well?": a Fremen greeting."[23]p.602
  • Subakh un nar - "I am well. And you?": traditional reply."[23]p.602
  • Subliminal training Projector - "It was like a lecture strip in a subliminal training projector at the Bene Gesserit school . . . but faster . . . blindingly faster."[23]p.410
  • Suspensor - "secondary (low-drain) phase of a Holtzman field generator. It nullifies gravity within certain limits prescribed by relative mass and energy consumption."[23]p.602 "falling in low-suspensor slowness."[23]p.254
  • Suspensor lamp -"By the half-light of a suspensor lamp" [23]p.13 Common lamp able to have its position and light emitted Changed. "a suspensor light drifted slightly in an errant breeze"[23]p.158, interesting to note that the lamps only have vertical control and apparently very little horizontal control.
  • Sword-grasses – tough plants that leaves possibly can even cut human skin , depending on variety very tough , root feeders some with rhizomes so can regrow even if burnt tot he ground.

- T -

  • Tahaddi al-burhan - "an ultimate test from which there can be no appeal (usually because it brings death or destruction)."[23]p.602
  • Tahaddi challenge - "Fremen challenge to mortal combat, usually over some primal issue."[23]p.602 ""He seeks by this tahaddi challenge"[23]p.344
  • Tansley Effect - "The Tansley Effect is a fictional scientific theory that describes the positive feedback loop that occurs when a group of skilled professionals work together to study a problem"[23]p.166
  • Taqwa - "literally: "The price of freedom." Something of great value. That which a deity demands of a mortal (and the fear provoked by the demand)."[23]p.602
  • Tau, The - " in Fremen terminology, that oneness of a sietch community enhanced by spice diet and especially the tau orgy of oneness elicited by drinking the Water of Life."[23]p.602
  • Telescope, Fremen - "eye fixed to the collector of a Fremen telescope."[23]p.515
  • Terranic - "terranic life forms of Arrakis"[23]p.53, life that originated from Earth.
  • Test-mashad - "any test in which honour (defined as spiritual standing) is at stake."[23]p.602
  • Throne, Imperial - "It was a massive chair carved from a single piece of Hagal quartz, blue-green translucency shot through with streaks of yellow fire."[23]p.525
  • Thufir Hawat - Mentat Assasin of House Atreides.See Also Ateides -Characters
  • Thumper - "short stake with spring-driven clapper at one end. The purpose: to be driven into the sand and set "thumping" to summon shai-hulud. [23]p.602 (See Maker hooks.)" ""Whenever I light its candle it'll give us about thirty minutes." [23]p.305 it seems odd that such a device should use a candle, seems a little low tech and some of the Fremen tech is advanced. i would have assumed some form of mechanical timer at least. also a candle seems a like a fanikity method considering winds are a common aspect of Arrakis, even with some form of shielding? "a plastic rod about a meter long from beneath his robe. The thing was pointed at one end, had a spring-wound clapper at the other end."[23]p.449
  • Tidal dust basin - "any of the extensive depressions in the surface of Arrakis which have been filled with dust over the centuries and in which actual dust tides (see Sandtides) have been measured."[23]p.602 ""Certain depressions in the desert have filled with dust over the centuries. Some are so vast they have currents and tides. All will swallow the unwary who step into them."[23]p.141
  • Tiemag - "They formed a suburb of Arrakeen which stretched into the Imperial Basin past Tiemag." [28]p.37
  • Time Standard dial - "kept his eye on the time-standard dial (...) The time counter crawled around its final circuit."[23]p.522 some form of clock
  • Tleilax - "lone planet of Thalim, noted as renegade training center for Mentat's; source of "twisted" Mentat's."[23]p.602
  • Tleiaxu eyes - "I offered to buy Tleilaxu eyes (...) a story in the legions that Tleilaxu eyes enslave their users. (...) such eyes are metal and he is flesh, that such a union must be sinful."[28]p.40
  • Tleielax - "I must send at once to Tleielax for a new Mentat."[23]p.218 I believe this is Tleilax but with a different spelling?
  • Training -" when applied to Bene Gesserit, this otherwise common term assumes special meaning, referring to that conditioning of nerve and muscle (see Bindu and Prana) which is carried to the last possible notch permitted by natural function."[23]p.603
  • Transceiver - "transceiver on his belt kit. (...) Thufir has my call code."[23]p.116, communication device with security code access.
  • Troup Carrier - "Another 'thopter glided in (...) a big troop carrier. It flew with the slow, spread-wing heaviness of a full load, like a giant bird coming to its nest." "Its wings crept out to full reach, began the cupping action of a quick stop."[23]p.253 "There must've been three hundred men in that carrier."[23]p.254 "any Guild ship designed specifically for transport of troops between planets."[23]p.603
  • Truthsayer - "a Reverend Mother qualified to enter truthtrance and detect insincerity or falsehood."[23]p.603"a Truth-sayer's gifted by the drug, she can look many places in her memory, in her body's memory. We look down so many avenues of the past but only feminine avenues." "Yet, there's a place where no Truthsayer can see. We are repelled by it, terrorized"[23]p.603
  • Truthtrance - "semi-hypnotic trance induced by one of several "awareness spectrum" narcotics in which the petit betrayals of deliberate falsehood are apparent to the truthtrance observer. (Note: "awareness spectrum" narcotics are frequently fatal except to desensitized individuals capable of transforming the poison-configuration within their own bodies.)"[23]p.603
  • Tsimpo - "Tsimpo, a garrison village, buffer outpost for the former capital city, Carthag"[23]p.243
  • Tuono Basin - "when we struggled last night in Tuono Basin."[23]p.336 location were Paul and Jessica first meat Stilgar and his troop.
  • Tupile - " so-called "sanctuary planet" (probably several planets) for defeated Houses of the Imperium. Location(s) known only to the Guild and maintained inviolate under the Guild Peace."[23]p.603
  • T.P. - " idiomatic for telepathy"[23]p.603 ""T-P?" the Emperor whispered"[23]p.531
  • Two Birds - ""When our water went below minim at the siege at Two Birds"[23]p.336 referring to Jamis


 - U -

  • Ulema - " A Zensunni doctor of Theology "[23]p.603
  • Umma - "one of the brotherhood of prophets.(A term of scorn in the Imperium, meaning any "wild" person given to fanatical prediction.)"[23]p.603
  • Uroshnor- "one of several sounds empty of general meaning and which Bene Gesserit implant within the psyches of selected victims for purposes of control. The sensitized person, hearing the sound, is temporarily immobilized."[23]p.603
  • Usul - "Fremen "The base of the pillar".[23]p.603 ""I see strength in you (...) like the strength beneath a pillar. (...) You shall be known among us as Usul, the base of the pillar. This is your secret name, your troop name. We of Sietch Tabr may use it, but none other may so presume . . . Usul."[23]p.353



- V -

  • Varota - "famed maker of baliset's; a native of Chusuk."[23]p.603
  • Verite - "one of the Ecaz will-destroying narcotics. It renders a person incapable of falsehood."[23]p.603
  • Voice - "that combined training originated by the Bene Gesserit which permits an adept to control others merely by selected tone shadings of the voice."[23]p.603

- W -

  • Wali – name given to an untrained youth by Fremen ( not the Muslim meaning). "my young wali,"[23]p.322
  • Wallach IX - "ninth planet of Laoujin, site of the Mother School of the Bene Gesserit."[23]p.603
  • War of Assassins - "the limited form of warfare permitted under the Great Convention and the Guild Peace. The aim is to reduce involvement of innocent bystanders. Rules prescribe formal declarations of intent and restrict permissible weapons"[23]p.604 "We're presently in a war of assassins," the Duke said" [23]p.111
  • Water bag - "to the water-bag, held them against the resilient surface."[23]p.364 its implied that this bag contains all of Jamis’s water just over 33 litres. "Two men stepped out, lifted the water-bag."[23]p.365 safe to say this quote confirms it. i would have to question though how stealthy these two could move carrying that amount of weight.
  • Water burden - "Fremen: a mortal obligation."[23]p.604
  • Water counter - "metal rings of different size, each designating a specific amount of water payable out of Fremen stores. Water-counters have profound significance (far beyond the idea of money) especially in birth, death, and courtship ritual."[23]p.604 "the largest ring, held it on a finger. "Thirty litres," (...) "Two litres; one litre; seven water-counters of one drachm each; one water-counter of three-thirty-seconds drachms. In all, thirty-three litres and seven and three-thirty-seconds drachms.""[23]p.364 Q, were did the counters come from? would it be a function of the water-masters to carry coin like a "bank" for instance's like this?
  • Water discipline - "that harsh training which fits the inhabitants of Arrakis for existence there without wasting moisture."[23]p.604
  • Water of Life - "an "illuminating" poison (see Reverend Mother). Specifically, that liquid exhalation of a sandworm (see Shai-hulud) produced at the moment of its death from drowning which is changed within the body of a Reverend Mother to become the narcotic used in the sietch tau orgy. An "awareness spectrum" narcotic."[23]p.604 "on the revelation of the Water of Life, seeing its source: the liquid exhalation of a dying sandworm, a maker. The creature was drowned! "[23]p.413 "a bitter smell subtly akin to many poisons that she knew, but unlike them, too.""a biting sweetness, now."[23]p.407 "a carbon atom here, helical wavering . . . a glucose molecule. (...) a protein . . . a methyl-protein configuration."[23]p.407 ""Mingle the waters, let the change come to all, that the people may partake and share in the blessing." Let the catalyst do its work,(...) and have their awareness of each other heightened for awhile. The drug is safe now . . . now that a Reverend Mother has changed it."[23]p.412 ""When the tribe shares the Water,(...)we're together, all of us. We . . . share. I can . . . sense the others with me"[23]p.415 ""You've ridden the little ones bred for the seed and the Water of Life,"[23]p.46
  • Water of Death - ""The Water of Death, (...) It'd be a chain reaction.(...) Spreading death among the little makers, killing a vector of the life cycle that includes the spice and the makers. Arrakis will become a true desolation, without spice or maker."[23]p.514
  • Waterman - " a Fremen consecrated for and charged with the ritual duties surrounding water and the Water of Life."[23]p.604
  • Water-master - "Water-master . . . where is a water-master?"[23]p.356 see waterman.
  • Water tube - "any tube within a stillsuit or still-tent that carries reclaimed water into a catch-pocket or from the catch-pocket to the wearer."[23]p.604
  • Way, Bene Gesserit - "use of the minutiae of observation."[23]p.604
  • Weather Scanner - "a person trained in the special methods of predicting weather on Arrakis, including ability to pole the sand and read the wind patterns."[23]p.604
  • Weirding - “idiomatic: that which partakes of the mystical or of witchcraft."[23]p.604 "you were a weirding woman and a fighter"[23]p.326 the Fremen use Weirding woman, instead of Bene Gesserit to describe Jessica. Its their terminology for one of the sisterhood.
  • Weirding Way - "you were a weirding woman and a fighter"[23]p.326 the weirding way is the description of one who fights like the Bene Gesserit, their control of mind and body allows them to move briefly at speeds that baffle the eye."you have the weirding ability of battle" [23]p.327this is reinforced when soon after Jessica states she is a Bene Gesserit and there is definite change in attitude, even though they knew her to have the weirding way.
  • Wind Pump - "faint soughing of the wind pumps that circulated air in the sietch"[23]p.495
  • Wind trap - "a device placed in the path of a prevailing wind and capable of precipitating moisture from the air caught within it, usually by a sharp and distinct drop in temperature within the trap."[23]p.604
  • Windsack - "the open behind the Shield Wall near the village of Windsack.""He triggered his own shield, waded in"[23]p.519 this must be a safe area from worms or he would not have activated his shield.
  • Word Bond - "I've given the tribe's word-bond"[23]p.327 these bonds are considered unbreakable.
  • Worm-sign - ""They're watching for worm-sign. (...) A sand-wave moving toward the crawler." [23]p.141 "crescent dune tracks spread shadow ripples toward the horizon and, running through them as a level line stretching into the distance, came an elongated mount-in-motion, a cresting of sand."[23]p.142
  • Wristwatch - "He glanced at his wristwatch"[23]p.67 , yes even in the far distant future they have wristwatches.

- X -

- Y -

  • Ya Hya Chouhada -""Long live the fighters!" The Fedaykin battle cry. Ya (now) in this cry is augmented by the hya form (the ever-extended now). Chouhada (fighters) carries this added meaning of fighters against injustice. There is a distinction in this word that specifies the fighters are not struggling for anything, but are consecrated against a specific thing, that alone."[23]p.604
  • Yali - " a Freman's personal Quarters within the sietch"[23]p.604 His yali . . . his quarters, are yours.[23]p.395
  • Ya! Ya! Yawm! - "Fremen chanting cadence used in time of deep ritual significance. Ya carries the root meaning of "Now pay attention!" The yawm form is a modified term calling for urgent immediacy. The chant is usually translated as "Now, hear this!"[23]p.604
  • Yueh Wellington - Suk Doctor of  House Atreides .See Also Ateides -Characters

- Z -

  • Zensunni - "followers of a schismatic sect that broke away from the teachings of Maometh (the so-called "Third Muhammed") about 1381 B.G. The Zensunni religion is noted chiefly for its emphasis on the mystical and a reversion to "the ways of the fathers." Most scholars name Ali Ben Ohashi as leader of the original schism but there is some evidence that Ohashi may have been merely the male spokesman for his second wife, Nisai.[23]p.605
  • Zither – a real musical instrument consisting of a flat wooden soundbox with strings stretched across it, placed horizontally and played with the fingers and a plectrum.


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