Dune Characters

Characters of Dune , from Books , Films , Novelets , Games etc.
Over time ill be moving Houses and factions into thier own goups.

In the Publications section ill be marking the characters importance in the following way ;
Main/Infuential Characters - Bold ,  Surporting Characters - Normal ,  Referenced Characters - Intalics
if no publications section the main name will be used as referance.

Albe                                             Famed artist who painted the Old Duke , during his middle years.

Aramsham, Captain     " the man snapped. Imperial Sardaukar!" the man snapped.[23]p.485
                                              "tall, flat-featured, with a pale scar across half his left cheek.".[23]p.483


Atreides and Retainers 


Beris                                      A frem who had caught a disease that effected his manhood."one Beris had brought back to Arrakis a loathsome disease                                                 which deprived him of his manhood."[28]p.37

Bewt, Lingar                      "a water-shipper whose summer mansion was near his polar-cap factory[23]p.153
                                                "a bland round face, darkly tanned."[23]p.154
                                                " the sudden oily tone in the man's voice"[23]p.154 
                                                "round-faced man with large eyes and thick lips"[23]p.155
                                                "they now had Bewt's signature over a contract of allegiance."[23]p.155

Bijaz                                     "Bijaz, the catalyst-dwarf,"[28]p.37

                                               Messiah of Dune

Bronso of Ix                       "Analysis of History: Muad'dib by Bronso of Ix"[28]p.9
                                                Dune Messiah.

Chatt                                     "It had been Chatt the Leaper, captain of the Fedaykin, leader of the death commandos who guarded Muad'Dib."                                                                        [23]p.443 in reference to hearing a Baliset being played.

Corrino , Anirul                  10,176 ( died in child birth to Irulan)
                                               - c.10,191 A.G. (Death – child birth, Rugi – Speculation)
                                               "this is reported in the 'Almanak en-Ashraf', as she had 4 more daughters after this, this can not be an Accurate date. She is                                                    reported as having trained Irulan in the weirding and Prana-bindu methods, its also reported that she died after having                                                        Irulan. Unfortunately i do not have any information on the ages of the daughters, though the middle one gave birth to                                                            Farad'n in 10,200A.G.(this is feasible if we take Irulan's birth as 10,176), if we assume she trained to the same degree as Paul                                                  was it would have taken 15 years, using this ill be placing her death at c. 10, 191 A.G. this still leaves a few loose ends which                                                      hopefully i can resolve at some point.

                                               Husband, Shaddam IV [23]p.584
                                               Daughters, Irulan, Chalice, Wensicia, Josifa, Rugi  (in age order)[23]p.584
                                               Bene Gesserit of Unknown Rank.[23]p.584
Corrino , Elrood IX            - 10,156 A.G. ( died due to poison in his drink)[23]p.584
                                               The Padishah Emperor 80th in his line.   [23]p.584   

Corrino , Irulan                10,176 A.G.  to.....   
                                               "That's Irulan, the oldest, isn't it?""Yes.""  [23]p.550

                                               Princess of the Empire. Eyes-Green, Hair-Blond , Hight- Tall.                                                                                                                                                                                Eldest Daughter of Shaddam Corrino IV, Anirul Sadow Tonkin.  
                                               Siblings  Chalice (sister), Wensicia (sister), Josifa (sister),Rugi (sister) and Farad'n (nephew)                                                                                                                    Spouse, Paul Atreides.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Children, Leto II Atreides (stepson); Ghanima Atreides (stepdaughter).    
                                               Background , Bene Gesserit Training . 
                                               "She was tall, blonde, face of chiselled beauty, green eyes that looked past and through him." [23]p.526
                                               "member of the conspiracy, Princess Irulan,"[28]p.11
                                               ""I heard not a whisper of this and I was one of my father's confidantes,"[28]p.18
                                                          "would alarm Irulan, who had such a careful consciousness, so dependent upon values derived from precise limits."                                                                          [28]p.52

                                                Dune, Dune Messiah 

Corrino, Shaddam Corrino IV    10,119 – 10,202 A.G (83)   [23]p.584
                                               ( in appendix IV it has his birth as 10,134 A.G. meaning he would die aged 68 this is country to other information and is                                                                rejected for the new date of 10,119 A.G.)
                                                81st Padishah Emperor.[23]p.584
                                               "Irulan's father has been putting his legions through landing manoeuvrers."[28]p.54 I have put this here to show that his                                                      death in 10,202 can not be correct, this statement is in 10,205 A.G and its obvious hes still alive.

                                               Father, Elrood IX , Died to Chaumurky 10,196 A.G. ( poison in drink )[23]p.584
                                               Wife, Anirul[23]p.584
                                               Daughters, Irulan, Chalice, Wensicia, Josifa, Rugi  [23]p.584[23]p.584
                                               Sons, no legal sons.[23]p.584

                                                "the Padishah Emperor, was 72 yet looked no more than 35 the year he encompassed the death of Duke Leto" [23]p.342                                                               we know spice can lengthen life however at this time there is no indication the emperors eyes are anything but normal.                                                           could it be due to some other age slowing process?
                                                "He seldom appeared in public wearing other than a Sardaukar uniform and a Burseg's black helmet with the imperial                                                             lion in gold upon its crest."[23]p.342
                                                "a slim, elegant figure in a gray Sardaukar uniform with silver and gold trim. His thin face and cold eyes reminded the                                                             Baron of the Duke Leto long dead. There was that same look of the predatory bird. But the Emperor's hair was red, (...)                                                           most of that hair was concealed by a Burseg's ebony helmet with the Imperial crest in gold upon its crown."[23]p.342
                                                "The voice was baritone and with exquisite control."[23]p.526

                                                " the Emperor's interest in smuggling operations" [23]p.30
                                                "I remember deducing in that instant that my father secretly wished the Duke had been his son, and disliked the political                                                       necessities that made them enemies."
                                                "He fears the questioning of a Truthsayer, (...)  the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen (...) he knows he must face her                                                                         questions, then the Emperor is in on this "[23]p.195
                                                "The Padishah Emperor turned against House Atreides because the Duke's War-masters Gurney Halleck and Duncan                                                               Idaho had trained a fighting force, a small fighting force, to within a hair as good as the Sardaukar. Some of them were                                                           even better."[23]p.432

                                                Training /Skills 
                                                none Verified.                                                 

Coss                                       "Be you still, Coss"[23]p.148 crawler crew member.

Czigo                                    -10,191 A.G. ( Died , killed by Paul Atreides, Unarmed Combat)

                                               "The litter-bearer, the one they called Czigo"[23]p.198
                                                "Czigo shut off his wing rotors"[23]p.199

Drisq                                     "Consult my quartermaster," Tuek said. "Drisq is his name."[23]p.301

Edric                                    "Edric, the Guild Steersman, replied to the Reverend Mother now with a vocal curtsy contained in a sneer, a lovely touch                                                        of disdainful politeness."[28]p.11
                                               "Edric swam in a container of orange gas (...) His container sat in the center of the transparent dome (...) built for this                                                            meeting. The Guildsman was an elongated figure, vaguely humanoid with finned feet and hugely fanned membranous                                                            hands, a fish in a strange sea. His tank's vents emitted a pale orange cloud rich with the smell of the geriatric spice,                                                                  melange."[28]p.11
                                               "the dome's open plan: a more conventional and confining space might've inflicted the Guildsman with claustrophobic                                                            nervousness. Inhibitions in his psyche were those of birth and life off-planet in open space."[28]p.11
                                               "Edric asked. He stared out of tiny rodent eyes."[28]p.11
                                               "the bold stare, those monstrous feet and hands moving softly in the gas, the smoky swirling of orange eddies around                                                              him. She would wonder about his sex habits, thinking how odd it would be to mate with such a one. Even the field-force                                                        generator which recreated for Edric the weightlessness of space would set him apart from her now."[28]p.13

                                                Dune Messiah

Farok                                      was alive in 10,191 - - 10,205 A.G.Died Killed by Scytale with a poison dart in his home in Arakeen.
                                                 -One of  Stilgar's troop that first encountered Paul and Jessica.
                                                 "I know your need, Farok," [23]p.356
                                                 "the narrow bearded face of"[23]p.393
                                                "I am Farok," the old man said, "once Bashar of the Ninth Legion in the Jihad.(...) You were born in Sietch Tabr with                                                             allegiance to Stilgar."[28]p.38
                                                        "The old man (...) with blue-in-blue eyes. (...) Bitter lines tortured the edges of his mouth where it could be seen through                                                   a fringe of white beard."[28]p.35
                                                        "the empty sleeve dangling from the left shoulder (...) An air of command hung about this old man. "[28]p.37
                                                        "I owned a crysknife, water rings to ten litres, my own lance which had been my father's, a coffee service, a bottle made                                                    of red glass older than any memory in my sietch. I had my own share of our spice, but no money. I was rich and did not                                                    know it. Two wives I had: one plain and dear to me, the other stupid and obstinate, but with form and face of an angel. I                                                   was a Fremen Naib, a rider of worms, master of the leviathan and of the sand."[28]p.42

                                                 "My son lost his eyes in the conquest of Naraj,"[28]p.39 
                                                "I have grandchildren on Naraj "[28]p.39 

                                                 Dune , Messiah of Dune

Farok , son                          was alive in 10,191 - 10,205 A.G.Died Killed by Scytale with a poison dart in his home in Arakeen.
                                                "The youth's eyes were empty sockets. (...) he began singing (...)The voice was high and sweet"[28]p.38 

                                                 Messiah of Dune


Farrukh                                     One of  Stilgar's troop that first encountered Paul and Jessica.  
                                                "Larus and Farrukh, you are to hide our tracks"[23]p.332 

Fenring, Hasimir , Count                
                                                "only one real friend, I think. That was Count Hasimir Fenring," [23]p.302
                                                "closest anyone ever came to casual camaraderie with the Padishah Emperor was the relationship offered by Count                                                                   Hasimir Fenring, a companion from childhood. [23]p.418
                                                "We have been friends, Majesty. What I do now is out of friendship. I shall forget that you struck me." [23]p.560

                                               "distaff cousin of House Corrino" [23]p.585
                                               Wife, Margot Fenring  "The Count married his Lady."[23]p.91

                                                "the genetic-eunuch (...) The Count, a dapper and ugly little man"[23]p.302
                                                "Um-m-m-m-ah-hm-m-m-m," said the Count. (...) The, hm-m-m-m, precise young man, ah, my . . . hm-m-m-m . . . dear?"
                                                [23]p.372 not sure if this is meant to imply a stutter or just some kind of speech pattern.
                                                "the Count: a small man, weak-looking. The face was weasel-ish with overlarge dark eyes. There was gray at the temples.                                                         And his movements, he moved a hand or turned his head one way, then he spoke another way. It was difficult to follow."                                                         [23]p.372

                                                "Residency, lately the home of Count and Lady Fenring."[23]p.31 in Arrakeen on Arrakis.
                                                "Emperor's former proxy here as Count Fenring"[23]p.91 , in reference to the former residents of the Atreide’s home in                                                             Arrakeen
                                                "Ambassador to the Smugglers, indicating the Emperor's interest in smuggling operations "[23]p.31 The title is a joke of                                                           the Barons.
                                                "my Count is not in the pay of the H.": [23]p.91  we can be confident this is a true statement as its from one Bene Gesserit to                                                   another in a message of warning.
                                                "why he had never seen Fenring along the webs of prescience. Fenring was one of the might-have-beens, an almost                                                                   Kwisatz Haderach, crippled by a flaw in the genetic pattern, a eunuch, his talent concentrated into furtiveness and inner                                                       seclusion. A deep compassion for the Count flowed through Paul, the first sense of brotherhood he'd ever experienced.                                                           Fenring, reading Paul's emotion, said, "Majesty, I must refuse."[23]p.559
                                                "curious story that Fenring was responsible for the chaumurky which disposed of Elrood IX.)"[23]p.585
                                                "Imperial chores carried out by Count Fenring included that of Imperial Agent on Arrakis during the Harkonnen regime                                                         there and later Siridar-Absentia of Caladan. He joined Shaddam IV in retirement on Salusa Secundus."[23]p.585

                                                Training /Skills 
                                                "one of the deadliest fighters in the Imperium." [23]p.302
                                                "Mark him well, Feyd! A killer with the manners of a rabbit"[23]p.372

Fenring, Margot              

                                                Husband Count Fenring "The Count married his Lady."[23]p.91

                                                "was golden-haired and willowy, her perfection of figure (...) Gray-green eyes stared back at him. She had that Bene                                                                 Gesserit serene repose about her that the young man found subtly disturbing. "[23]p.372

                                                Bene Gesserit."code phrase every Bene Gesserit"[23]p.91
                                                left a warning message to Lady Jessica .

                                                Training /Skills   
                                                Bene Gesserit Teachings.    

Geoff                                       "I was with Geoff . . . before Jamis bested him." [23]p.395  former partner to Hanah.

Halleck, (younger Sister to Gurney)

                                                "his younger sister, her elfin face so clear in his mind""dead now, in a pleasure house for Harkonnen troops. She had loved                                                     pansies . . . or was it daisies? [23]p.50


                                               First Husband, Geoff
                                               Second Husband, Jamis Guardian farther to Geoff's boy.
                                               Third Man, Paul Atreides (servant Status) Guardian farther to Geoff's and Jamis's boys
                                                                                                                                      "because they accepted him as guardian-father."[23]p.403
                                               Forth Man to be  , Stilgar   "She knows we will soon be wives together, she and I, to share the same man."[23]p.461
                                               Son, Kaleff (10) 10,181A.G.  - Geoff's    "two young boys, perhaps aged nine and ten, staring out at him"
                                               Son , Orlop (8)    10,183 A.G. - Jamis's    "Kaleff, the elder of the two, was ten, and the natural son of Geoff. Orlop, the                                                                                                                                            younger, was eight"[23]p.403
                                               "but Harah, Stilgar's wife"[28]p.29

                                                "a flowing wraparound garment of brilliant orange and green. Her arms were bare to the shoulders, (...) skin was a pale                                                         olive. Dark hair swept back from her high forehead, throwing emphasis on sharp cheekbones and aquiline nose between                                                       the dense darkness of her eyes."[23]p.394
                                                "golden rings threaded with water tallies dangling from her ears."[23]p.394
                                                "the black wings of her hair tied back by water rings on a chain"[23]p.439
                                                "parted in the middle and swept back like the wings of an insect, flat and oily against her head. The jutting, predatory                                                             features were drawn into an intense frown."[23]p.454

                                                "Your suit looks new. But if it needs work, I'm good with suits. I work in the factory in season."[23]p.398 which season and                                                     why dose season effect work duties?
                                                "I will not be a member of your son's household much longer (...) I've waited this long for the sake of my sons, the special                                                       training they receive as the children of Usul. It's little enough I could give them since it's known I don't share your son's                                                           bed." [23]p.456
                                                "Alia is like my own flesh because she's sister to one who is like my brother."[23]p.457
                                                "marvelled at the fierce note of protectiveness in Harah's voice. (...) for it was obvious she loved Alia as though this were                                                           her own child."[23]p.458

                                                Training /Skills
                                                Still suit repair.
                                                "I could have been of the Sayyadina."[23]p.457

Harkonnen, Barron Vladimir   10,110 – 10,193 A.G. [23]p.585 ( Dies Arrakis ,Arrakeen by Alia Atreides using a Gom Jabbar)
                                               Direct line male descendent of Bashar Abdlurd Harkonnen , ( banished for cowardice after the battle of Corrin)[23]p.585
                                               " He rolled sideways in his suspensor’s, a sagging mass of flesh supported inches off the floor with head lolling and                                                                    mouth hanging open."[23]p.533

                                               Nephew  Rabban, "summon his older nephew, Rabban"[23]p.272
                                               Nephew  Feyd-Rautha, "You say this to confuse young Feyd-Rautha, but it is not necessary to confuse my nephew."[23]p.25
                                                "I've lived for a time on this planet, cher cousin"[23]p.212   Baron talking to Duke Leto, 'cher' meaning dear, atm I do not                                                           have any evidence to back up that the Barron and The duke are actually related. 

                                                "A basso voice rumbled out""a fat hand that glittered with rings"[23]p.25
                                                "He might weigh two hundred Standard kilos in actuality, but his feet would carry no more than fifty of them."[23]p.33
                                                "through fat-enfolded eyes"[23]p.34
                                                "The fat cheeks were two cherubic mounds beneath spider-black eyes."[23]p.193
                                                "the movements of the man's hands: compulsive touching’s, the edge of a plate, the handle of a spoon, a finger tracing                                                             the fold of a jowl"[23]p.211
                                                "glittering jewels on baby-fat hands, their compulsive wandering."[23]p.212

                                                Official Title Siridar (planetary Governor)[23]p.585
                                                Wealth and power regained from manipulation of the whale fur market and then consolidate with melange wealth from                                                         Arrakis.[23]p.585
                                                "Bring me that young fellow we bought on Gamont, the one with the lovely eyes. Drug him well. I don't feel like                                                                           wrestling."[23]p.219
                                                "how far the old Baron would go against family. Seldom to the point of death unless there were outrageous profit or                                                                 provocation in it. But family punishments could be painful."[23]p.274
                                                "Bene Gesserit! the Baron thought. The universe would be better rid of them all!"[23]p.374
                                                "Why haven't you ever bought a Bene Gesserit, Uncle? (...) With a Truthsayer at your side (...) I trust them not!" the                                                                     Baron snarled."[23]p.425
                                                "but never seen a more gross and dangerous pig than this one, Thufir Hawat told himself."[23]p.430

                                                Training /Skills          
                                                "Seeing that smile (...) did not leap to defend himself from this Piter (...) The Baron could not read that smile. He did not                                                       have the Training."[23]p.193

Harkonnen, Feyd-Rautha -10,193A.G. (died Arrakeen, Arrakis, Kanly – ritual combat to Paul Atreides)
                                               "The point slid home into the brain. Feyd-Rautha jerked and sagged back"[23]p.559

                                               Na-Baron, was briefly Baron after the Fremen Revolt on Arrakis. [23]p.585

                                               Uncle Baron Vladimir Harkonnen,"noting his nephew's lips,"[23]p.30

                                                "a dark-haired youth of about sixteen years, round of face and with sullen eyes"[23]p.25 
                                                "his nephew's lips, the full and pouting look of them, the Harkonnen genetic marker" [23]p.28
                                                "His dark hair was dressed in close ringlets that seemed incongruously gay above sullen eyes."[23]p.372
                                                "slippers covered his small feet."[23]p.372
                                                "studying Feyd-Rautha, seeing the heavy shoulders, the thick muscles."[23]p.553

                                                "On his seventeenth birthday, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen killed his one hundredth slave-gladiator"[23]p.371
                                                "here was for Feyd-Rautha a measure of admiration for the effort this slave had managed in overcoming the paralysis to                                                         do this thing to himself."[23]p.387
                                                "all revealed much. Feyd-Rautha had his own spy system focused on the Baron."[23]p.423

                                                Training /Skills   
                                                Close quarter combat .[23]p.371    
                                                "never gave quick death; he delighted in demonstrating rare poisons (...)  pointing out interesting side                                                                                             effects on a writhing victim.[23]p.215                     


Jamis                                   - 10,191 A.G. ( Died by the Hand of Paul Atreides in ritual combat)
                                               One of  Stilgar's troup that first encountered Paul and Jessica. 
                                               "the voice of the cielago, Jamis,"[23]p.323

                                               Woman, Hanah
                                               Stepchild,                 (Hanah and Geoff's)

                                                "A bearded man"[23]p.324
                                                "He was a good man, Jamis, but quick to anger. A good provider, Jamis, and a wonder with the children. He made no                                                               separation between Geoff's boy, my firstborn, and his own true son. They were equal in his eyes."[23]p.324

                                                "too much of violence in Jamis for him ever to make a good leader, too much ghafla, the distraction. He gives his mouth                                                         to the rules and his heart to the sarfa, the turning away. No, he could never make a good leader. I've preserved him this                                                           long because he's useful in a fight"[23]p.344
                                                "Jamis carried thirty-three litres and seven and three-thirty-seconds drachms of the tribe's water,""[23]p.363

                                                Training /Skills
                                                "Jamis turns to the right with his knife after a parry. It's a habit in him we've all seen. And he'll aim for the eyes to catch a                                                         blink in which to slash you. And he can fight either hand; took out for a knife shift."[23]p.348

                                           Dune , Dune Messiah

Kinet                                    - 10,191 (Died, killed by Czigo with a knife while under the influence of "the voice")

                                                "Scarface, the deaf one they called Kinet"[23]p.198
                                               "his face a scarred mask (...) The deaf one (...) studying the scarred face"[23]p.195
                                                "turning so the deaf one could read his lips"[23]p.195
                                                "the knife. It glittered in reflected moonlight."[23]p.200

Korba                                    Fremen , part of Pauls group when they reunite with Gurney.""Find Korba. Tell him that Gurney"[23]p.480
                                                "cunning pockets within their still-suits," the lieutenant said."[23]p.484
                                                "the Qizarate cabal guided by Korba the Panegyrist"[28]p.9
                                                "through Korba's plan to make a martyr of Muad'dib and place the blame on Chani"[28]p.9
                                               ""Put on your turban,(...)They'll never know at this distance."[28]p.48

                                               "an angry gnome, bald and fuming."[28]p.47
                                                       "a Death Commando transformed into a priest?"[28]p.49

                                                Dune , Dune Messiah.

Kynes, Chani  
                                               "I said leave him be, Chani! You spawn of a lizard!"[23]p.328
                                                "Sihaya," Paul said, using his intimate name for her."[23]p.488

                                                Father, Liet Kynes   "I am Chani, daughter of Liet."[23]p.329
                                                Son, Leto II Atreides               "safe with their son, Leto II."[23]p.439
                                                Uncle, Stilgar             "unrest in Chani's glance, the way she looked from Stilgar, who was her uncle,"[23]p.467
                                                Grandfather, Pardot Kynes[23]p.563

                                                "a small figure in Fremen robes"[23]p.329
                                                "She moved like a gazelle, dancing over the rocks."[23]p.330
                                                "elfin-faced Chani"[23]p.347
                                                "wore a graceful blue wraparound that exposed her thin arms."[23]p.403
                                                "water rings, worn openly in sietch on a cord around her neck, tinkled as she turned toward him. "[23]p.439
                                                "unmarked by their years -- unless one examined the outer corners of her whiteless eyes, noting the lines there:"[28]p.24

                                                Consecrated as Sayyadina in the autumn of 10191 A.G. at sitch Tabr.""Chani, daughter of Liet, will be consecrated in the                                                           Sayyadina at this time.""[23]p.405
                                                "She is brave, lovely and, ah-h-h, so perceptive (...) She'd have made a fine Bene Gesserit."[23]p.507
                                                "his strength in Council, the loyalty of his legions, the abilities and talents of his allies. Her memory held catalogues of                                                      names and cross-indexed details. She could rattle off the major weakness of every known enemy, the potential                                                                    dispositions of opposing forces, battle plans of their military leaders, the tooling and production capacities of basic                                                            industries."[23]p.507

                                                Training /Skills 
                                                "You trained me yourself in the weirding way, Usul."[23]p.440

                                                Dune , Dune Messiah

Kynes , Liet  .Dr                 - 10,191 A.G. ( Died , middle of autumn, the month of Caprock , spice blow after being beaten and left in the desert by                                                              Harkonnen's)           

                                                "spoke to Kynes: "Liet, the "[23]p.258
                                                Planetologist and Judge of the Change.
                                                " the Judge of the Change, the arbiter of dispute, the man set here to see that the forms are obeyed in our assumption of                                                         power over this fief."[23]p.130   
                                                "because he's a civil servant."[23]p.170

                                               Dad -, Pardot  [23]p.563 "killed in the cave-in at Plaster Basin"[23]p.314 was 19 at this time.
                                               Daughter,  Chani    "I am Chani, daughter of Liet."[23]p.329
                                               Brother,  Stilgar        "unrest in Chani's glance, the way she looked from Stilgar, who was her uncle,"[23]p.467"

                                               "And he's very close to the Fremen . . . married one."[23]p.279

                                                "tall, thin, dressed for the desert in loose robe, stillsuit, and low boots. The man's hood was thrown back, (...) revealing                                                             long sandy hair, a sparse beard. The eyes were that fathomless blue-within-blue under thick brows. Remains of dark                                                                 stains smudged his eye sockets."  [23]p.129    "You'll stain your eye-pits to reduce the sun glare"  [23]p.43 
                                                "the prim, straight mouth, the high forehead (...) Has a precise way of speaking--clipped off, no fuzzy edges, razor-apt."                                                         [23]p.130
                                                "sensed the power in Kynes, the impact of personality, as though he were blood royal, born to command."  [23]p.130 
                                                "wore an old-style dark brown uniform with epaulettes of the Imperial Civil Servant and a tiny gold teardrop of rank at his                                                   collar."[23]p.154 
                                                "His long hair and beard were mussed. The blue eyes without whites were a darkness under heavy brows." [23]p.257
                                                "the easy rumble of the man's voice. It was a royal voice, accustomed to command."[23]p.258
                                                "There's steel in this man that no one has taken the temper out of"[23]p.258

                                                "His Majesty's agents, the planetary ecologist."[23]p.28
                                                "Liet serves two masters."[23]p.113
                                                "the people he had been ordered to betray left Dr. Kynes shaken" [23]p.128
                                                "accepted in both sietch and village (...) I am in His Majesty's service, the Imperial Planetologist."[23]p.130
                                                "You never talk of likelihoods on Arrakis. You speak only of possibilities."[23]p.130
                                                "emptied his flagon into a container beneath his jacket. He smiled at Jessica as he caught her watching him, raised the                                                           empty flagon to her in a silent toast. He appeared completely unembarrassed by his action."[23]p.160
                                                "He knows this is the kind of infraction I was instructed to ignore."[23]p.159 guild bank representative, this would have                                                           been an imperial instruction, also implies the guild are involved and against the Atreides
                                                "there was an offhand attitude toward killing in Kynes' manner. He was a casual killer,(..) guessed that this was a Fremen                                                       quality."[23]p.165
                                                "who had killed more than a hundred Harkonnen's."[23]p.572 by the age of 19.
                                           "my ancestors sacrificed virgins to Shai-hulud . . . before Liet-Kynes made us stop"[28]p.42

                                                Training /Skills 
                                               "You're the ecologist (...) We prefer the old title here, my Lord, (...) Planetologist."[23]p.130   

Kynes, Pardot
                                              Pardot Kynes, First Planetologist of Arrakis[23]p.563
                                               "Kynes-the-Umma was killed in the cave-in at Plaster Basin"[23]p.572

                                               Son,  Liet    "a Fremen son, you begin with him, with Liet-Kynes,"[23]p.572
                                                                         "By this time his son, Liet-Kynes, was nineteen, a full Fremen and sandrider"
                                                A direct and simple man in many ways,[23]p.565 

                                                "Kynes returned to his Imperial chores, directing the Biological Testing Stations. And now, Fremen began to appear                                                                 among the Station personnel."[23]p.567

                                                Training /Skills 
                                                "he never became a sandrider"[23]p.571

Larus                                     One of  Stilgar's troupe that first encountered Paul and Jessica.  
                                                "Larus and Farrukh, you are to hide our tracks"[23]p.332   

Lemil                                    One of  Stilgar's troup that first encountered Paul and Jessica.  
                                              "Lemil, get glowglobes." [23]p.334   

Mapes, Shadout                ? - 10,191 A.G. (Died Arrakeen, Duke's House, stabbed in back by Yueh)
                                                  Fremen , with honorific title of Shadout, meaning "Well dipper", Atreides House Keeper.[23]p.65
                                                  One who warned of a traitor in the Atreides midst.[23]p.86
                                                  "dark stain spread from her back along her side"[23]p.188

                                                  "But we Fremen pay our debts, be they black debts or white debts. And it's known to us that you've a traitor in your                                                                     midst"[23]P.86

                                                  "a knobby, gray-haired woman in a shapeless sack dress of bondsman brown. The woman looked as wrinkled and                                                                       desiccated"[23]p.68
                                                  "prune-wrinkled features darkly browned, blue-on-blue eyes without any white in them"[23]p.87
                                                  "here's that about this Fremen creature: the drive to manage."[23]p.73

Marcus , Wanna                   10,092-10,186 A.G.?[23]p.52
                                                 Bene Gesserit, Wife to Wellington Yueh.[23]p.55
                                                 Killed by Harkonnen's, used to Crack Huey's Conditioning.
                                                 "Think you of the fact that a deaf person cannot hear. Then, what deafness may we not all possess? What senses do we                                                              lack that we cannot see and cannot hear another world all around us? What is there around us that we cannot --", her                                                              favourite passage from the O.C.B [23]p.55
                                                 "he had realized Jessica was not gifted with the full Truth-say as his Wanna had been"[23]p.75  Dr Yueh.

Mattai                                  - 10,191 A.G ( Died in smugglers complex ) 
                                               "no hope for Mattai."[23]p.301 on of Gurney Halleck's men.

Mitha                                    "like the son of Mitha"  [23]p.455 Fremen ancestor who gave birth on Bela Teguse, before the parting.

Nefud , Iakin                     " Guard corporal. (...) the new captain of my guard" [23]p.216( field promotion)

                                               "was yellow-haired, flat of face with green eyes. Crisp lines radiated from his thick-lipped mouth" [23]p.216
                                                "was addicted to semuta, the drug-music combination that played itself in the deepest consciousness."[23]p.216
                                                "the stocky, efficient Nefud"[23]p.218

Otheym                               Fremen lieutenant."bring Chatt, Korba and Otheym and two other lieutenants of your own choosing"[23]p.495
                                                "the broad, flat features of the Fedaykin lieutenant"[23]p.504
                                                "The adjoining house, he knew, had been assigned to Otheym, once a member of Muad'dib's dreaded Fedaykin death                                                      commandos."[28]p.37
                                                       "Otheym's daughter," Farok said. "My son gave her the narcotic in the hope of winning a woman of the People for                                                                himself despite his blindness."[28]p.45

                                                Dune , Messiah of Dune 

Pardee                                    "agent named Pardee. (...) was top man in the Harkonnen underground "[23]p.120
                                                "Pardee no longer was among the living when we intercepted the courier"[23]p.121

Piter de Vries                    - 10,191 A.G. (Died Arrakis, Arrakeen duke's house, Poison from false tooth)
                                                Mentat-Assassin, House Harkonnen.

                                                "For a Mentat, you talk too much, Piter,"[23]p.25
                                                "a slender, short man with effeminate face.""voice came out tenor with a sweet, musical quality."[23]p.25
                                                "Piter took five curiously mincing steps"[23]p.28
                                                "Piter de Vries, the Mentat-Assassin (...) hawk features, blue-ink eyes that suggested he was a native of Arrakis, but                                                                   subtleties of movement and stance told her he was not (...) He was tall, though slender, and something about him                                                                     suggested effeminacy."[23]p.193
                                                "The voice was tenor. (...) with the Bene Gesserit training, the voice screamed: Killer!"[23]p.193

                                                "You promised me the Lady Jessica"[23]p.28
                                                "he consumes too much spice, eats it like candy"[23]p.28
                                                "assuming an odd attitude of dignity"[23]p.29
                                                "I will take the duchy," Piter said."[23]p.194 , when offered jessica or the duchy , Piter obviously prefers power.

                                                Training /Skills
                                                Mentat, Assassin. 

Rabban , Abulurd          

                                                Demi-brother, Vladimir Harkonnen "youngest demibrother, Abulurd"[23]p.585
                                                Son, Glossu [23]p.585
                                                Son, Feyd – Rautha [23]p.585

                                                "Abulurd renounced the Harkonnen name and all rights to the title when given the subdistrict governorship of Rabban-                                                         Lankiveil. Rabban was a distaff name"[23]p.585 Lankiveil, a planet, the quote says subdistrict, so maybe not the whole                                                             planet was under his governorship. Though its not mentioned i have seen yet Rabban is not a house, however being given a                                                   governorship, Glossu becoming titled a Count, seems to indicate that the Rabban’s were part of the system so possible a                                                         minor house affiliated with house Harkonnen , hence in part why Rabban and Feyd ended up " working " for the Barron.

Rabban , Glossu Count( the Beast)  10,132 – 10,193 A.G. (Died Arrakis)
                                                "Stilgar cleared his throat, said: "Rabban, too, is dead." [23]p.540

                                                "I was his regent-siridar here before?"[23]p.276 referring to Arrakis.
                                               "The Count Rabban of Lankiveil?"[23]p.297

                                                Father, Abulurd Rabban
                                                Uncle, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, "summon his older nephew, Rabban"[23]p.272
                                                Brother (younger), Feyd-Rautha Rabban, (later Feyd- Rautha Harkonnen)[23]p.585

                                                "low built, gross of face and body, with the Harkonnen paternal line's narrow-set eyes and bulge of shoulders. There was                                                        yet some rigidity in his fat, but it was obvious to the eye that he'd come one day to the portable suspensor’s for carrying                                                          his excess weight. A muscle-minded tank-brain,"[23]p.273  the mention of his weight is interesting as it points to the fact                                                      that the Harkonnen extra weight is the result of a genetic trait.

                                                "Does the Emperor know you suborned a Suk doctor?"this was a penetrating question,
                                                "I've always felt that we underestimated the Fremen, both in numbers and in.." [23]p.277 maybe Rabban is not as thick as                                                       he is made out to be..

                                                       " beet-coloured ink-vine scar on the man's jaw, remembering the story of how it had been put there by Beast Rabban in a                                                       Harkonnen slave pit on Giedi Prime."[23]p.49   , in reference to Gurney Halleck
                                                 "Arrakis. This planet is again yours."[23]p.274 


                                                Training /Skills 

Reverend Mother- Gaius Helen Mohiam.        

                                               Daughter, Lady Jessica (kept secret) (biological father Baron Vladimir Harkonnen)

                                                "Described as "old Crone ","Her voice wheezed and twanged like an untuned baliset."[23]p.13.
                                                "The old woman was a witch shadow – hair like matted spiderwebs, hooded 'round darkness of features, eyes like                                                                       glittering jewels".[23]p.13
                                                "pale gums around silvery metal teeth that flashed as she spoke"[23]p.17
                                                "the old Reverend Mother of the Bene Gesserit, Gaius Helen Mohiam,"[28]p.10
                                                "the Reverend Mother demanded, voice wheezing."[28]p.11

                                                Reverend Mother who tested Paul Atreides on Caladan before he went with his family to Arrakis. 
                                                Taught Jessica at the Gesserit school;"She was my teacher at the Bene Gesserit school."[23]p.16
                                                "Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, Proctor Superior of the Bene Gesserit school on Wallach IX"[23]p.34
                                                "There had been tears on the seamed cheeks."[23]p.40, she dose have feelings....

                                                Training /Skills

                                                Dune, Dune Messiah


Reverend Mother- Ramallo    -10,191 A.G (Died on Arrakis in Autumn, sietch Tabr during the rite of making Jessica a reverend Mother.)

                                                "I, the Reverend Mother Ramallo," [23]p.405


                                                "a crone, a wrinkled and shrivelled ancient thing in a black gown with hood thrown back to reveal the tight knot of gray                                                           hair and the stringy neck." [23]p.403
                                                "looking like a collection of sticks draped in the black robe. (...) speaking in a husky whisper."[23]p.404


                                                Training /Skills 

Scytale                                "Scytale, the Tleilaxu Face Dancer,"[28]p.10



                                                "I am Zaal,"[28]p.38
                                                       """We are Jadacha hermaphrodites(...)either sex at will."[28]p.39"

                                                "exercised his Face-Dancer powers, shape flowing into shape, flesh moving and readjusting. Presently, a slender man                                                               stood before her. The face remained somewhat round, but darker and with slightly flattened features. High cheekbones                                                         formed shelves for eyes with definite epicanthic folds. The hair was black and unruly."[28]p.18 turning himself into Duncan                                                     Idaho

                                                Training /Skills 
                                                Face Dancer [28]p.10

                                                Dune Messiah                                                        

Shamir.                                - 10,191 A.G. (died in attack on Fremen occupied research station by Sardaukar)
                                                "Spice coffee in my quarters, Shamir."[23]p.258 Fremen assisting Dr Kynes.

Shimoom                              Water-master / waterman of Stilgar's troop that encountered Paul and Jessica.[23]p.356

Shishakli                             "Shishakli has your hooks,"[23]p.449   first encountered on the day Paul takes the test to ride a worm.
                                                 "a squad leader of the Fedaykin"[23]p.449

"Soo-soo"                              "representative of the Guild Bank (lean and remote, that one)"[23]p.153 
                                                 "the pale and austere (...) "he seemed a whistle-faced scarecrow"[23]p.159 
                                                 "That pale skeleton of a man! He knows this is the kind of infraction I was instructed to ignore.""[23]p.161
                                                 would have been an imperial instruction , also implies the guild are involved and against the Atreides 
                                                 "that Guild Bank representative (...) was a Harkonnen agent. He had the Giedi Prime speech pattern himself. Does this                                                          mean the Guild itself has taken sides against House Atreides?[23]p.162
                                                 "They call me Soo-soo because I'm financial adviser to the Water Peddlers Union."[23]p.162
                                                 even though the man is likely a Harkonnen agent I am still surprised that the Harkonnen's would even allow a Union to                                                          exist in the first place.
                                                 "It's said that the Fremen scum drink the blood of their dead."[23]p.163  obviously not a fan of the Fremen as well!
                                                 "The man was terrified of Kynes!"[23]p.164

Subiay                                   Fremen, encountered first in the deep south sietch 10,193A.G.
                                                "a birth celebration, probably Subiay's"[23]p.452
                                                "Subiay's boy looks just like the son of Mitha born before the parting."[23]p.455 alia commenting.

                                                       "I am Stilgar, the Fremen,"[23]p.322
                                                "My duty is the strength of the tribe (...) That is my only duty.[23]p.324
                                                "a place called "Sietch Tabr" on the chart and beside it the notation: "Stilgar." [23]p.329

                                                Wife, Tharthar        "the voice of Tharthar, one of Stilgar's wives. "[23]p.460
                                                Wife, ???
                                                Brother, Kynes        "unrest in Chani's glance, the way she looked from Stilgar, who was her uncle,"[23]p.467


                                                " a vibrant and penetrating voice"[23]p.112
                                                "It was a heavy masculine voice"[23]p.312
                                                "A tall, robed figure stood in the door (...) A light tan robe completely enveloped the man except for a gap in the hood and                                                       black veil that exposed eyes of total blue , no white in them at all." [23]p.112
                                                "he raised a thin, darkly veined hand. "[23]p.113
                                               "sensing the aura of power that radiated from him. He was a leader, a Fremen leader."[23]p.113
                                                "a thin nose and full-lipped mouth in a glistening black beard."[23]p.114
                                                "This was the voice of command"[23]p.322
                                                "the knife hidden in a fold of the man's robe""The man had good control."[23]p.322
                                                "a sharp nose, one glinting eye, dark, so dark the eye, without any white in it, a heavy brown and upturned moustache."                                                          [23]p.322
                                                "noted the white-less eyes, the stained eye-pits, the dust-rimmed beard and moustache,"[23]p.335
                                                "marked how he fingered his beard and the watchful, cat-stalking look of him."[23]p.343
                                                "Stilgar's black hair, (...)  begun to gray at the edges, but his eyes beneath heavy brows remained far-seeing. It was the                                                       eagle stare of the wild, and his beard still carried the catchtube indentation of life in a stillsuit."[28]p.48
                                                       "Peace, justice and a sound coinage -- these anchored Stilgar's universe. He wanted something visible and real" [28]p.52


                                                "Stilgar, chief of the sietch I visited" [23]p.113
                                                "Some already are jealous that my hands tasted your loveliness" [23]p.336 Stilgar in ref to Jessica
                                                "at Stilgar, her uncle, Paul's Minister of State."[28]p.48

                                                Training /Skills

                                               Dune , Dune Messiah 

                                                Husband, Stilgar              "the voice of Tharthar, one of Stilgar's wives. "[23]p.460
                                                Brother, Shoab                  "Even my brother, Shoab, says it,"[23]p.461
                                                "a small, dark woman in a red-figured robe of black, the total blue of her eyes  the nostrils of her tiny nose dilated to                                                                 reveal the plug scars."[23]p.460

Tuek, Esmar                     D 10,191 Arrakeen, Duke's House.

                                               "The smuggler's (...)  He's a power among his kind. They all know him here."[23]p.157 
                                                "rugged and scar-faced Tuck, his blue-within-blue eyes downcast."[23]p.159
                                                "the smuggler, Tuek, who appeared to be watching Kynes for a cue."[23]p.164
                                                "It was the smuggler, Tuek,"[23]p.188 in reference to a body found in the Atreides home.

Tuek , Staban                    "I am Staban Tuek, son of Esmar Tuek," [23]p.296
                                                "had the half-tint blue eyes that told of off-planet foods in his diet."[23]p.296
                                                "he father's heavy, over-hanging eyebrows and rock planes of cheeks and nose"[23]p.296
                                                "the smuggler reminded him of Duke Leto: a leader of men, courageous, secure in his own position and his own course.                                                         He was like the Duke"[23]p.299

Turok                                   "Turok was the name of our dead friend." [23]p.113    Fremen courier mortaly wounded by Harkonnen Mercenaries,                                                                   discovered by Duncan Idaho and brought to Atreides medics but died on route.                                                    

Umman Kudu                   - 10,191 A.G. ( Died Arrakis , Arrakeen duke's house, Poison from false tooth)

                                                "captain of the Baron's personal guard"[23]p.206
                                                 "scissors-line of jaw muscles, chin like a boot toe"[23]p.207

Uliet                                       "would-be executioner's mind cannot be known""Uliet was his name, Older Liet. Uliet walked three paces and                                                                               deliberately fell on his own knife""Some say Shai-hulud moved him." in reference to killing Pardot.[23]p.567
                                               "The shade of Uliet was advanced to the sadus, the throne of heavenly judges."[23]p.568

Varota                                   "Plays like a genuine Varota,"  [23]p499     presumably the maker of fine instruments..                  








                                               Death and burial 
                                               Names / Allases 
                                                Training /Skills 
                                               Supporting Quotes  

Expanded Univers / Cannon    ( Books by Brian Herbert and )

Hunting Harkonans

Harkonnen , Piers           Older Brother of  Xavier Harkonnen. Born 215 BG [100][1]

Harkonnen , Xavier         Younger Brother of Piers Harkonnen.[1] 

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